Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Data Analysis with Open Source Tools Free-Samples for Students
Question: Clarifies the job of Data Analysis devices and Data Mining in Contemporary Organizations. Answer: Presentation The current broad advancements in the PC and mechanical fields delineate the positive heading that the whole globe has grasp in improving the world a spot. Various associations situated in different geological areas over the universes today utilize assorted innovations to lift their tasks regardless of the money related achievements that they face. Substantially, it can undoubtedly be attested that the PC innovation has been successful since it came to picture. Using the register, laborers and different clients can improve their everyday works. An inside and out assessment further uncovers that most of the peoples in the current age depend or rather esteem all the devices that can empower them get to the web. This idea is cemented through insights that uncover an expansion in the acquisition of such items. Just to specify, the investigation of information and information mining requires the mediation of specialists who can evaluate the furnished data to think of genuine ends under va rious situation. This exposition unveils vital ideas connected to the examination of information in uber associations in the contemporary period. Review Information investigation is the movement of transmuting the information which is crude into usable and solid data. The basic role of this procedure is to increase the value of the examination results and to the measurable discoveries. It is fundamental to take note of that a large portion of that information which is introduced from any exploration work has certain mistakes which require to be estimated before the right presumptions are singled out. Moreover, the translation of crude information is huge on the grounds that at times the scientists may get divergent arrangements of information (Janert, 2010). This circumstance may constrain them to look for the help of the information investigation apparatuses which are creating to be compelling instruments in the current occasions. As referenced early, associations are put on their toes to move alongside the specialized progressions that are basic today. In light of this, any researcher will concede that specific programming and stra tegies that support the undertakings of representatives inside associations are basic consistently. Associations must follow the slanting authoritative opinions in the market guarantee that their exercises converge with the premiums and desires for the general population. Numerous customers will in general stick to components or products and ventures that have been affirmed by the larger part. Therefore, business associations should gather information from the fields to have the option to settle on the right choices which can mix them towards their objectives and goals (Hoberman, 2012). Then again, the choices which they select must ensure the moral requests of both their clients and laborers. This feature uncovers how the information examination devices can modify the destiny of an association on confirmed points of view. The likelihood of getting positive outcomes using that information investigation devices are high when contrasted with the sole mediation of human specialists. Information Analysis Tools The investigation of large information can be a feverish procedure in the administration of any business. This is the center motivation behind why programming designers are pushing for reorganizations that are useful to financial specialists independent of the appended difficulties (Hoberman, 2012). Coming up next are a portion of the information examination instruments which are utilized by various authoritative specialists in differing fields of study. KNIME business codes. Just to make reference to, the typical method of recording the code squares may take a more extended time when contrasted with when the KNIME is utilized. The highlights of this apparatus are anything but difficult to utilize whereby; an individual hauls the association pinnacles and focuses subsequent to dropping the hubs onto a particular canvas. As isn't sufficient, this innovation can be utilized to run science information, python assessment, and in text mining. Scene Public Scene Public is a successful devices of examination information particularly in business. It is significant in light of the fact that it has the capacity to impart the essential bits of knowledge through the representation of information. This instrument makes a bigger stage for information perception with its million line limit. Through it, analyst and business chiefs can think of speculation that can be sent in their everyday activities. NodeXL NodeXL is an investigation programming implied for representation purposes. The enormous companionship maps on social stages can without much of a stretch be determined through the mediation of this product. It is fit for separating muddled information to uncover their internal importance. This devices is significant when managing high quantities of emp0loyees inside any association in the current age (Hair Lukas, 2014). For instance, it can arrange all the representatives dependent on specific highlights as their age sections, expansion data, and furthermore their viability at work. OpenRefine This instruments was earlier alluded to as the googleRefine. The capacity of this devices to survey and clean the acquired information to set it up for additional examination. At the end of the day, this apparatus improves all the included techniques by planning and checking each significant factor before the primary procedure is directed. Google Search Operators The inquiry administrators is a Google devices that upgrade the elements of Google to the outrageous pinnacle. This instrument is powerful on the grounds that it channels the outcomes got from the web index to guarantee that solitary the applicable data is depicted. In this manner, it isn't just a significant element to the business visionaries yet in addition it helps numerous individuals in different fields of life and study. Slover This is a straight programming instruments utilized in exceed expectations. Numerous supervisors esteem this information investigation apparatus since it sets and uncovers the significant imperatives that can influence the advancement of their business. For instance, it very well may be utilized to set as far as possible by uncovering other negative factors that may spring up if the proposed systems are not inspired. In any case, the use of unravel require the aptitudes of experts who are fit for making the right suppositions dependent on the given outcomes. Moral Implications The current serious business condition moves associations to consider their clients line with their supplications and other social elements. The assortment of client data is basic because of different reasons. Right off the bat, an associations can possibly vanquish all the showcasing chances if their merchandise and ventures are esteemed and favored in the market (Dean et al. 2016). Therefore, there is a higher possibility of progress if their clients are tricked towards their tasks. For example, a more profound assessment just divulges positive commitments of the way toward breaking down clients data. This is because of the way that the majority will feel esteemed if their commitments are raised. It is likewise moral to keep up and bolster the convictions and social perspectives on clients over a broad business period. Furthermore, the putting away of clients data inspires the relationship of the association with various individuals in their areas. Hence, this lifts the likelihood of the association to draw in more clients. End In outline, the assortment of business information is a critical procedure consistently. Clearly, the accomplishment of a business association legitimately depends on the data that their representatives and advertisers extricate from the fields and commercial centers. In any case, the information mining and information examination procedure must be made increasingly successful through the sending of various information investigation apparatuses. These instruments make the procedure to be all the more simple and quick paying little heed to the greatness of the information on the table. In light of this, business associations should be prepared to grasp the new innovations in their every day attempts. References Senior member, M. D., Payne, D. M., Landry, B. J. (2016). Information mining: a moral pattern for online security arrangements. Diary of Enterprise Information Management, 29(4), 482-504. Hair Jr, J. F., Lukas, B. (2014). Showcasing research. Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Hoberman, S. (2012). Information Modeler's Workbench: Tools and Techniques for Analysis and Design. New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Janert, P. (2010). Information Analysis with Open Source Tools. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Annunciation: A Painting by Francisco de Zurbaran :: Essays Papers
The Annunciation: A Painting by Francisco de Zurbaran Show-stoppers can best be acknowledged when the components of plan, the standards of structure, and the iconography of the work are watched and comprehended. The Annunciation, an artwork by the Spanish craftsman Francisco de Zurbaran, is a gem that consolidates both the components and standards of structure. The iconography of the artistic creation is critical just as its tasteful quality. The capacity to make an image of The Annunciation in one’s psyche is a key factor in understanding the investigation of the work. Francisco de Zurbaran approaches the artistic creation with a naturalistic style. The work of art includes a room wherein a lady †like blessed messenger is seen at the left bowing on the ground before the Virgin Mary. The figure of Mary is set between a seat and a little wooden table hung with a green material. Mary ignores an open Bible on the table, as she seems serious while gazing at the floor. Coasting over the two primary figures in the upper left half of the artistic creation are angels laying on a bed of mists. They cheerfully look down at Mary with eyes from Heaven. The Annunciation utilizes components of configuration to make an outwardly satisfying picture. The visual components comprise of light, shading, surface, shape, and line. The utilization of light is one of the most obvious components in this artwork. The wellspring of light isn't legitimately noticeable in the work of art, yet shows up as a brilliant celestial host gliding over the two fundamental figures. Light accentuates the light complexion of the Angel and Mary as the two of them look down towards a shadowy floor. Light likewise mirrors the open Bible on the table recommending accentuation on the heavenliness of Mary. The remainder of the room remains shockingly dim and dull. Shading is utilized to cause to notice significant characters and items in the artistic creation. The red of Mary’s shirt underlines her place as the fundamental figure. A brilliant, yellow cloud drifting over the room represents the delight of the saintly figures. De Zurbaran utilizes warm hues in the forefront. The room, utilized as the foundation for the scene, is painted in dim hues using various shades of dim and earthy colored. A spectator can likewise acquire a feeling of surface in this composition.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The First Day of School COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
The First Day of School COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Tuesday was the first day of classes here, and you can feel the energy of students, faculty, and the community on campus. Heres a little of whats going on at Columbia, and what you can expect. The blog is taking listener requests Remember to search through our archives, and if you cant find the topic you want to know about, submit an idea here. Im excited to introduce you to our new batch of program assistants, who will share their application experiences over the next few months. Weve published a few posts based on your feedback: Being a first-generation Latina at SIPA Ten tips on managing stress during the application period Im great at math what can SIPA offer me? Three tips for adjusting back to the grad school grind Whats new at SIPA Welcome to the newest members of the SIPA community, the Class of 2021. More than 450 students have joined us from 61 countries for our MIA/MPA/MPA-DP programs, and the incoming class is 60 percent international, with an average of 3.5 years of work experience. Along with several visiting professors, adjunct faculty, and senior research scholars, SIPA also welcomes two new tenured faculty members: Sandra Black, an influential and accomplished labor economist, has joined us as Professor of International and Public Affairs, jointly appointed with the Department of Economics. She comes to Columbia from the University of Texas. Her research focuses on the role of early life experiences on the long-run outcomes of children, as well as issues of gender and discrimination. She has previously worked as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and as a member of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors, among other positions. Keren Yarhi-Milo, a leading scholar of decision-making in foreign policy, joins us as Professor of International and Public Affairs, jointly appointed in the Department of Political Science. She comes to SIPA from Princeton University. She has written two exceptional books â€" “Who Fights for Reputation?†and “Knowing the Adversary†â€" both of which explore the topic of elite decision-making in foreign policy. No, I wont start spying on my foreign-born students Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger wrote this op-ed in The Washington Post, which addresses the universitys stance on students as they return to campus. The mission of a university is to foster an open atmosphere conducive to speculation, experimentation and creation. American higher education is the envy of the world not in spite of, but because of, its unrivaled commitment to openness and diversity. Attracting â€" and welcoming â€" the brightest minds in the world, regardless of nationality or country of origin, is what we’re all about.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Global Warming and Climate Change - 1016 Words
In recent years, global warming is a topic that has received much attention. It’s is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earths atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, which also known as the green house effect. Global warming can negatively affect the earths delicate ecosystems. It has been linked to dangerous new weather patterns, the extinction of plant and animal species and so many others bad effects. Global warming is caused by pollution eating away at the ozone layer of the atmosphere, as well as greenhouse gases trapping heat. The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6 ° F) between 1906 and†¦show more content†¦Their best estimate is that humans have caused 100 percent of that global warming†(Nuccitelli 1). We, humans, are definitely the cause of all these. Every year, almost 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by human activity. Everyday, we humans are responsible for litter. With the bad habits, we throw everything into landfills. The garbage just piles up everywhere. Humans are responsible for pollution. Other than that, the burning of fossil fuels as you all know leads to an increase in pollution in the air which traps the heat from the sun in the earths atmosphere there is no other cause that I can see apart from wasting energy and not being as energy efficient as we should be. Coal, nat ural gas, oil and electrical power are all sources of carbon dioxide, and they are used to power everything from industrial plants, vehicles, electricity and households. Trees are the only nature source that helps to filter carbon dioxide. But one more time, the human’s act make our own environment become worse. Mass deforestation reduces the number of trees and plants available to clean the air and, as a result, carbon dioxide levels are becoming increasingly unabated and evermore noxious. Overall, the problem of global warming should be solved before its effects lead the Earth to be catastrophic. There are so many solutions that we can do to help to reduce it. Transport isShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change974 Words  | 4 Pagesabout global warming, whether it is true or false. Is there evidence to prove that global warming has impacted the climate due to the rise in the earth’s temperature? Climate change is a problem that is worldwide that should be reviewed. The rise in the earth’s temperature has caused some impact to the weather and climate changes to many places worldwide. This rise in temperature has the potential of causing drastic changes to the earth in many ways. It is time to view the global warming concernsRead MoreClimate Change Of Global Warming924 Words  | 4 Pages Figure 0.1 shows the different effects of global warming. Global warming is the warming of our planet at an extreme rate. The Earth’s climate has warmed by 7.8OC since 1880. (Quick facts about science, 2015). What causes global warming? The cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide. This acts like a blanket. Protecting the earth, and heating the earth. Sun rays would normally bounce around the earth, but with the blanket, the sun rays heat the blanket which heats the earth. (Petersen ScienceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1398 Words  | 6 Pages Global warming and climate change have been frequent topics of discussion over the past several years. Although people tend to focus on the politics, it is important to look past the media aspects of it into the cold hard facts of what our Earth is currently experiencing, and what has caused it in the first place. The cause of climate change includes natural causes, but human causes are what is generating such a rapid global temperature change. It’s time that the ways in which humanity affectsRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1060 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change (Klaus) 1000 The terms â€Å"global warming†, â€Å"climate change†or â€Å"greenhouse effect†have become more than just parts of the popular lexicon as they rather are subject of public discussions, scientific research or political debates. Despite the popularity and the ubiquity of these terms, the public’s theoretical and conceptual understanding of them and their causal relations is often based on superficial knowledge and buzzwords or caricatures outlined and depicted in several popular mediaRead MoreClimate Change : Global Warming1194 Words  | 5 PagesDonya Curtis April 19, 2017 English 1001-rough draft Global Warming Global warming is one facet of the broader term climate change. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth s surface air and oceans from the mid 20th century and the projected continuation. The Global warming is primarily the consequence of building up greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Emission rates for most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, CO2, have increased 120 fold in the past 140 years. WhileRead MoreClimate Change and Global Warming1074 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change and Global Warming are out of control. This means that, no matter what policies, processes or actions are implemented, the Earth as we know it will never be the same again. There is significant evidence to support this hypothesis. The dilemma becomes whether we can limit the damage and adapt to a new status quo or not. Rising sea levels and the damage caused by this phenomenon has irreversible impacts on coastlines worldwide. Damage to sensitive reef systems cannot be fixed. This alsoRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1022 Words  | 5 PagesWhat = Climate Change Who = Emma, Aoife, Julia, Rachael, Mariah and Cà ©line What is it? Climate Change is a change in the demographic distribution of weather patterns, and related change in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, happening over time scales of decades or longer. It’s the world’s greatest threat. Climate change is the change in temperature over a period of time. It involves the greenhouse effect and global warming. Where is it? It is an issue affecting everyone everywhere. ClimateRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1474 Words  | 6 Pagesphenomenon, known as â€Å"smog†became an often daily occurrence in big, urbanized cites across the globe. Also, Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth, popularized the issue of climate change and global warming as a result of the damage that the modern world has done to the atmosphere. He noted that people resist the facts about climate change due to the inconvenience of changing their lifestyles. But, uninhibited industrialization of several countries has led to intense modernization and revolution of theRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming928 Words  | 4 PagesThis paper will discuss climate change and global warming on the economy. The paper also gives a description on climate change and global warming. As well as what it hold for future business owners. It will also discuss what the government is doing about climate change/global warming. Climate change is a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather (including its averages). For example, it could show up as a change in climate normal (expected average values for temperature and precipitation)Read MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1630 Words  | 7 PagesClimate Related Threats Global warming will lead to uncontrollable devastation such as famine, war, and economic instability. Climate change will accelerate the dislocation of hundreds of millions of people and the extinction of many species. The negative effects of climate change are obvious on every continent. Professor Le Quere, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia said, The human influence on climate change is clear. The atmosphere and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Peter Bell Poem Analysis - 754 Words
There is an alluring quality to â€Å"Peter Bell†that invites the reader to become engrossed in the suspense of the tale. In an article entitled, â€Å"’I Should like to Spend My Whole Life in Reading It:’ Repetition and the Pleasure of the Gothic,†Rebecca E. Martin confirms the alluring quality of the gothic mode of writing. Martin affirms, â€Å"Studies of modern readers of the so-called ‘female Gothic’ find that many readers will not put a book down until they have finished; in addition, many report reading several novels in a week, which strongly suggests that they are more interested in repetition, continuation and beginning again, than in endings†(76). Wordsworth builds suspense during Peter Bell’s journey by describing the landscape as he†¦show more content†¦The parodies of â€Å"Peter Bell†aim to belittle Wordsworth’s character by portraying the poet as an egotistical maniac, who uses Peter Bel l to push his conservative agenda. Brian Bates asserts, â€Å"Such criticism implies that his characters have no active or useful poetic function; having been reconceived under the aegis of political conservatism, these characters are, Reynolds suggests, poetically old, useless, and static†(278). Opponents may argue that Peter Bell is not a useless character, since the narrator begins the tale describing the various townspeople in order for the reader to find a commonality between themselves and one of the characters in the tale. In an article entitled, â€Å"The Redemption of Peter Bell,†Melvin Watson discusses the intricacies behind Wordsworth’s narration style. Watson declares, †Wordsworth has put the narrator clearly and firmly in command of the story, though usually in the background, as he analyzes, comments, and interprets for us [†¦] He is not made into a convincing dramatic character, for that would detract from our interest in Peter Bellâ € (524). Peter Bell’s role within the poem is crucial because the journey is entirely his own, yet we, as readers are given the opportunity to watch his transformation unfold and thus become sympathetic to his tribulation. Prior to the introduction of the characters, the narrator asserts, â€Å"The world for my remarks and me / Will not a whit the better be,†suggesting that he has no desire toShow MoreRelatedBells for John Whitesides Daughter by John Crowe Ransom873 Words  | 3 PagesRansom was one of the prominent leaders of the Fugitive Agrarians and the founder of the New Criticism school of literary criticism and the literary journal, Kenyon Review. His works fall into many different literary movements but the majority of his poems fall within the Fugitive-Agrarianism, now known as the Southern Renaissance, movement that emphasized classicism and traditionalism. The writers that were part of the Southern Renaissance, including Ransom, gathered to write a collection of essaysRead MoreReview Of The Unit For Bridge And Movie 1647 Words  | 7 Pages Leona Peters Critical Assignment 2 Fall 2015 Introduction The unit for Bridge to Terabithia was a two week unit based off the chapter book and the 2007 movie. The purpose of this unit was to discuss the contrast of the novel and movie, as well as the main characters, character progression, symbols, themes, setting, and plot of the novel. The common core standards that were met in this unit were â€Å"LAFS.4.RL.1.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from detailsRead MoreThe Concept of the Individual in Literature of the Romantic Period1762 Words  | 8 Pagesin literature of the Romantic period influenced the genre, and in particular how this was a response to the rationalization of nature and neglect of the individual upheld by the Enlightenment Movement. In order to demonstrate this, a close analysis of some poetic works by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth and William Blake will be examined. The Romantic period placed great importance on creativity, imagination and the value of the self, Wordsworth and Coleridge were particularlyRead More Exploring the Role of Women in Mexico in Like Water For Chocolate2639 Words  | 11 PagesRevolution could often be found putting in their share of time on the field. Peter Standish and Steven M. Bell, authors of â€Å"Social Life, Leisure, and Food.†Culture and Customs of Mexico tells about many important Mexican roles, foods, and celebrations. In the reading, Standish and Bell state, â€Å"there is evidence of female participation in the Revolution,†many times women could also be found fighting beside the men (Standish, Bell 67). However, â€Å"Literature and Its Times: profiles of 300 Notable LiteraryRead More Movie - Feminist Themes in Jane Eyre, Novel and Film Versions2260 Words  | 10 PagesAn Analysis of Feminist Themes in Jane Eyre and its Film Versions           Concern for womens rights dates from the Enlightenment, when the liberal, egalitarian, and reformist ideals of that period began to be extended from the bourgeoisie, peasants, and urban laborers to women as well. As did most interest groups of the time, feminists gained force and stability through its writing. The periods blossoming ideas concerning womens rights were fully set forth in Judith Murray’s On theRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words  | 47 Pagesquick overview of poetry analysis. Please note that this handout discusses the basics of poetry; there is much more to know about it than there is room to discuss here. Laurence Perrine s book LITERATURE: STRUCTURE, SOUND, AND SENSE can provide more detailed information about poetry analysis. Until you can get a copy of the book, I hope this page helps you begin your poetry analysis work. What is poetry ? Poetry goes beyond the rhyming of words. The object of writing a poem is usually to make aRead MoreEssay on Analysis of Angelas Ashes Narrated by Frank McCourt4621 Words  | 19 PagesAnalysis of Angelas Ashes Narrated by Frank McCourt Angelas Ashes: A Memoir is Frank McCourts acclaimed memoir. It charts the authors childhood from his infant years in Brooklyn, through his impoverished adolescence in Limerick, Ireland, to his return to America at the age of nineteen. First published in 1996, McCourts memoir won the 1997 Pulitzer Prize in the category of best Biography/Autobiography, and has gone on to become a worldwide bestseller. McCourt, who for many years taughtRead MoreThe Hours - Film Analysis12007 Words  | 49 Pagesher past love Peter Walsh and her rejection of his marriage proposal and to another old friend from Bourton, Sally Seton, with whom she was once in love. However, those times are all long gone now, and Clarissa is married to Richard Dalloway and has not seen her old friends for years; Sally having married into a prosperous family in Manchester and Peter living abroad in India -- or this is what Clarissa thinks because, while preparing for the party, she is surprised by a visit from Peter, who has justRead MoreStylistic Potential of the English Noun16714 Words  | 67 Pages-30 1.5.4 Stylistic potential of the category of article determination -34 Chapter Two. Analysis of examples taken from fiction on the basis of considered theoretical phenomena -42 2.1 Analysis of the examples regarding the category of gender -43 2.2 Analysis of the examples regarding the category of number -53 2.3 Analysis of the examples regarding the category of case -55 2.4 Analysis of the examples regarding the category of article determination Read MoreEssay on The Gothic Genre and What it Entails6177 Words  | 25 Pagesis often said that one of the unifying features of Romanticism is its intentional political relevance. Much of the canonical Romantic literature is inspired or informed by socio-political events. We need only look at Blakes work or key poems by second generation Romantics like Shelleys Ode to the West Wind or The Mask of Anarchy to verify this. The same is true of Romantic Gothic which arose around that unique period in European history posthumously defined by the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Biggest Myth About Common Argumentative Essay Topics Exposed
The Biggest Myth About Common Argumentative Essay Topics Exposed Then take a look at a list of argumentative essay suggestions to help you begin. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. Even though the essay questions change, the topic of the essays often stays the same. The conventional five-paragraph essay is not uncommon in writing argumentative essays, but it's only one method to write one. The above-mentioned topic choice may give you a crystal clear comprehension of what things to write about. You're an actual topic enthusiast! It's not sufficient to select a topic which everybody agrees on. Quite frequently, the ideal topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get well prepared to research it. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. Then you will analyze the way in which either gender is portrayed in your preferred media. Relevant Topics that are related to your society will engage the reader in the most effective possible way. Your thesis ought to be relevant so the post can use a structure that's flexible in order to fit in the shoes of the readers. Unless you are extended a topic as a portion of the assignment, you want to choose one. If you're in a college and need to compose an argumentative essay, you should decide on a subject of high importance. Obviously, it's so much better when a student is supplied a freedom to decide on the subject of their essay. Common Argumentative Essay Topics Can Be Fun for Everyone The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the bulk of our clients require is essay writing. If you do hire an essay writing service that will help you begin, make sure you come across a top-quality essay writing service that checks each of the boxes above before purchasing an essay and you ought to be all set! The very first step is where a lot of students become stuck. A researchable subject with different prospective sources gives you accessibility to the degree of in fo you want to develop into an authority on the subject. Examine the list to choose the topic which can help you compose a creative essay for your middle school class. As tempting as it might appear to skip past the extra info and go right to the list of persuasive essay topics, don't do it. The list is really endless. Organize your data and keep comprehensive notes to ensure it is simpler to refer back to certain parts of research. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't tough to discover. There are lots of custom writing services like writing elites convert words to pages that may help you design a perfect script. If you feel you require assistance with your written assignments it is preferable to request skilled help from online writing service. At times it can be complicated to know precisely where to start, which is the reason it is important to reach out for assistance from an essay writing service, peer or mentor to be certain you've got a good foundation of supporting facts. Understanding Common Argumentative Essay Topics You don't need to lose grades as a result of incorrect essay format. Argument essays can be organized in an assortment of means. Persuasive essays share a whole lot of resemblance with argumentative essays. It's quite tough to craft a well-researched essay in one hour or less. There are lots of aspects about a sport that may be argued in an essay. Your essay may center on gender issues from different sections of the world such as women rights in the Middle East and so forth. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on various views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. To write a fantastic argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, allowing them to make an educated stance.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Neural Bases of Emotion Regulation †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Neural Bases of Emotion Regulation. Answer: Introduction The report is intended to show the various types of the rules which are seen to be related to the adoption of the IFRS. The main discussions of the study have been able to state on the factors which has discoursed US to adopt the IFRS standards. The discussions in the report have been able to show the validity and the rationality of the argument. The report has been further discussed with the perceived benefits which has been seen to be adopted as per the global standardisations as per the IFRS. The study has been further able to support the necessary boundaries of the discussions with relevant examples and the discussion based on the case studies. This section of the report has been further able to identify the necessary factors which are associated to the perceived benefits. In the next section of the discussion the study has been able to concentrate on the different types of the concepts associated to the free market supporter. The report has been able to support the discussion wi th the relevant explanation associated to free market argument, which has been seen to be conducive in eliminating or reducing the accounting regulations. The latter part of the discussions has been able to highlight on the important aspect of the discussions which is seen to be associated to being a pro regulation supporter in providing the various types of the counter arguments. The counter arguments have been discussed in terms of focusing on the issues which are seen to be associated to the issues relating to the free market arguments. This portion of the report has been seen to be related to the third part of the report. Identification of FASB and IASB duties including IFRS foundation and US SEC For many years practitioners and the regulators based in the US has been seen with the possibility of eliminating the usage of US GAAP and adopting IFRS. The SEC has been further seen to discuss on some of the major challenges which are seen to be associated to the discussing of the several challenges of accepting the IFRS practices. IASB and FASB have been seen to be negating for several years to shift focus on USA for global rules. The SEC has been already seen to allow the foreign firms selling stocks in USA to file the financial statements here using IFRS. The convergence between the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been seen to be implemented since 2002. This amalgamation has been seen to be implemented in form of merging of the IFRS Standards and US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) (, 2017). This has been seen to be among the top priority for both FASB and IASB. There has been seen to be several studies which are seen to discuss the standards related to employ the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), in order to determine the effects of the early adoption of the IFRS practices. It has been further seen that the different types of the benefits which are seen to be related to the adoption of the IFRS. The various consideration of the study has been seen to be associated to the implementation of some metric standards which are seen to be related to the adoption practices in the areas related in public and the non public companies. The US practitioners have been further seen with very mixed feelings about the implementation of the IFRS practices. As per the data available in 2008, the CPAs have been seen to be favouring of delaying the adoption process of the IFRS implementation in U.S. Some of the main from of the hindrances in the adoption of the IFRS practices has been seen in terms of the non-readiness of the sates of the US for the full adoption of the IFRS system. 42% of the CPA has been further seen to be agreeing to the fact for the full adoption of IFRS needs to deal with higher convergence rate. It was stated by the former FASB chairman Robert Herz that the broad support of the single set of thee high quality of the international standards has been seen to support the broad support for "a single set of high-quality international standard. However, the readiness of the industries needs to tested in terms of the various types of recognition of the system wide issues. Some of the main consideration for the shifting of the IFRS for the companies has been further seen to be made based on the statements given by Ernest Almonte, the former chairman of AICPA. According to his statements the US firm needs to make the major decision of shifting to the IFRS standards based on the decisions which are seen to be related to adoption of the IFRS after consideration of the time and the cost factors. Several other practitioners had warned about the challenges which the auditors will be facing in the preparation of the audit report after the adoption of the IFRS standards. The more skeptical factors related to the adoption of the IFRS standards has been seen with the not suitable U.S. economy. Identified perceived benefits of IFRS The standardization of the IFRS standard at global scale has been evident not only in U.S. but also the European countries. IASB was established in 2001 for the development of IFRS and a year later the standard was seen to be adopted by European Union, under the effective jurisdiction from 2005. It was seen that after the launch of first IFRS in 2003, at least 19 countries complied with IFRS, since then nearly 70 countries were seen to adopt the mandate of IFRS. In addition to this, 23 countries were seen to adopt the mandate for some of the listed companies or allowed listed companies to voluntarily adopt IFRS. In 2007 more than 40 domestically developed countries were seen to adopt the IFRS standards. Some of these countries include Brazil, China, Canada, Japan and India (Christensen et al., 2015). The perceived benefits from the IFRS adoption has been directly seen in terms of stock market benefits for the European countries. The EU evidence has been seen in terms of the investors expecting the net information related to the quality benefits in the IFRS adoption. The attributable capital market benefits has been observed in terms of the improvements made in the earnings management and timely loss recognition and adding more value to the accounting amounts to match with the non US domestic standards. In contrast to some of the other compliance with the accounting standards has been seen with improvements in terms of better determination of the accounting quality. The second perceived benefits have been further identified in terms of the network benefits from the adoption of the IFRS standards. Some of the relative significance of the importance has been further discerned in form of the reduced costs for adapting to the IFRS standards (Horton et al., 2013). The net economic value of the IFRS adoption is seen from the pecuniary benefits which are seen to be associated to the conceived economic models of the networking. Supporting the argument with examples/cases, discussion The relevant benefit from the network benefits has been already seen in terms of the European countries. These countries have been seen to be directly benefitted from the reduced costs which have been seen to be directly related to the adoption of the IFRS standards. Some of the proponents of the IFRS have been seen to argue that the standards are seen to directly reduce the information cost on particular economy. Some of the other examples of the global standardization have been further observed in terms of adhering to the several local standards. Based on this, the companies are seen to be testing whether the economies with higher level of trade or foreign investment are more likely to adopt IFRS. It has been clearly seen that this was directly evident to be case in countries such as Canada, U.S., Japan and Australia. The political value of the adoption has been further identified in terms of the political nature of the standard setting. In case the standard setting of IFRS has bee n seen to be influenced by the political lobbying, more powerful nations such as Japan, U.S. and Australia are seen to be more likely for shaping of IFRS. The position of the IFRS prevailing in EU has been seen to override the aforementioned argument. In several countries, the adoption of the adoption of IFRS has been seen in terms of the influence of the internal politics. Some of these examples have been identified in terms of the actions of special-interest lobbyists and ideology-driven regulators. IFRS is seen to be influenced by the internal politics, even more transparent societies such as U.S. is seen to be such an example. Understanding the concepts of free-regulation Free market approach has been seen to be that idea where the accounting information has been seen to be based on the accounting information of the ordinary economic assets. It relates to that practice where the accounting information should be treated like forces responsible for demand and supply and various types of other goods. There have been several reasons which are seen to oppose the International standardization of accounting standards (, 2017). The increase in the competitive environment has been seen to encourage the financial analyst, regulators and lobbying group to take the necessary interest in the market. The accounting standards has been seen to create a debate which are seen with whether accountants should regulate or set accounting standards. The accounting standards have emerged as a language for operating of a business. Due to this, the new regulation of accounting has been setup as a language for the business in various government institutions fo r financial accountability (Deegan, 2013). The accounting regulations are seen to compose of social, economic and political factors. This is mainly because accounting regulations are required for the varied considerations for the economic, social, and political and the market needs. Due to these considerations the regulations cannot protect the investors against market risks. However, the free market approach is seen to determine the regulations and the accounting information which are seen to meet the interests of the public (Eliasen et al., 2015). The regulatory approach in the accounting standards is seen to directly influence the economy of a country. The accounting standards are further seen to be perceived based on fiscal goods, which are further seen to be related to interactive forces, which is seen to be controlled more efficiently in a free accounting regulation. The various types of the underscoring assumption made in the free market has been further seen to ebb associated to the market forces which may create an equilibrium of optimal magnitude, which is in relation to the concerned customer demand. The main argument for the framework is seen to be applied for the various types of the needs which are seen to be related to the fiscal needs (, 2017). The proponents of the free market theory has been further seen to propose various considerations related to the maximizing the profits in the free market economy. The positive accounting theory has been seen to be associated the different types of the theories, which attempts to predict the ways in which the accounting theories are seen to predict the actions and the related events in the accounting practices. The accountants are further seen to support the role which is seen to be vital for support the free market economy operations. One important instance of the application of the free market theory has been seen in terms of mercy ministry (Etkin et al., 2015). This institution is seen to be an organization whose role is to offer physical and spiritual help for taking the care of the social justice in an appropriate manner. Hence, people are seen to be more of the opinion to consider the accounting regulations to be operating under a free market situation. The ministry is also seen to be effective in terms of supporting the necessary free market operations for the various types of the reasons which are seen to be associated to increasing the responsibility and the achievement of the organizational needs. The free market has been further seen to be highly effective in terms of the formulation of the various types of the operation which are seen to be associated to the effective investment which is made by the ministries. The entities have been further seen to be outsourcing the various types of the responsibilities which are seen to be related to the needs of outsourcing the staff members in an organization (Reloaded, 2013). Understanding the concepts of pro-regulations Based on the anti regulation perspective, if anyone wants desired information they are seen to be prepared to pay for it and the demand should be able to ensure an optimal amount of the information produced. Unlike the various types of the other products, information can be neither altered by the means of private consumption by the individuals. The main consideration of the pro regulations has been seen with level playing field. The pro regulation further sees the natural mechanism of the market as an interesting perspective. The various types of the social, environmental and the other individuals intended to make the query in favour of the pro regulation view. It has been further believed that the main considerations of the theory are based on the protection of the various types of the interest of the stakeholders. The regulators of the information often consider this as a more protective measure for complying with the financial reporting requirement which has been seen to be enacte d after the financial crisis. The main assumptions of the pro regulators have been identified to be implicit to the protection of the investors for the purpose of complying with the financial reporting regulations. It has been further seen that these types of the reporting information has been seen to be consisting of higher quality of information and in various cases the implementation of this technique has led to lessened possibility of the losses during the financial crisis and in several cases it has been observed that managers were seen to gaining from the pro regulation (Smith White, 2014). The accounting information is recognized as public goods, once it is available, people can utilize the same without any cost and further pass the same among others. Parties are seen to make use of the goods and services which are seen to be based on the related products cost and are often referred to as the free riders. Only a handful of people have been seen to have incentives for the pay of goods and the services, this leads to underproduction of the information (Czarnezki Fiedler, 2016). The rationale for the regulating financial accounting practice has been seen to be evident in terms of the developed nations, which often needs to consider a uniform method, for protecting instances of misleading information. The main rationale for the support of the pro regulation has been seen with the protection of the public interest. It has been further seen that the free market regulations has been seen to negatively influence the oversupply of information and in various cases the oversupply of the information (Kim Park, 2015). The support of the market is viewed as a system for promoting more penalties and to further ensure managers are doing as expected. The regulators are further seen to act at their own self interest which is includes the people who are being regulated. The accounting standards are further seen to be accepted social and the economic benefits. The main jurisdictions of the pro regulations in terms of the corporate financial statement have been further seen to be true and fair in nature. Hence, form the various types of the considerations made in the pro regulation has been able to support higher economic investments in the country. Regulatory approach has been seen to be denoted in a broader sense for governing in a particular way where the public activities are decided upon and implemented. The regulatory approach has been further seen to be taken into consideration based on the achieving the interest of public and goals of investors by formulating regulations based on the standards. Henceforth, the varied approach has been seen to be developed based on the specific needs of the public (Blinder, 2015). Conclusion The main considerations of the report have been able to discuss on the adoption of the global standardization acquired by U.S. in adopting the IFRS. The convergence between the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been seen to be implemented since 2002. This amalgamation has been seen to be implemented in form of merging of the IFRS Standards and US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). However, the readiness of the industries needs to tested in terms of the various types of recognition of the system wide issues. According to his statements the US firm needs to make the major decision of shifting to the IFRS standards based on the decisions which are seen to be related to adoption of the IFRS after consideration of the time and the cost factors. The main form of the perceived benefits has been directly seen in terms of stock market benefits for the European countries. The EU evidence has been seen in terms of the investors expecting the net infor mation related to the quality benefits in the IFRS adoption. The globalisation has been evident with the launch of first IFRS in 2003, at least 19 countries complied with IFRS, since then nearly 70 countries were seen to adopt the mandate of IFRS. In addition to this, 23 countries were seen to adopt the mandate for some of the listed companies or allowed listed companies to voluntarily adopt IFRS. In 2007 more than 40 domestically developed countries were seen to adopt the IFRS standards. Some of these countries include Brazil, China, Canada, Japan and India. The various discussions have been further able to provide the benefits of the free market approach over the regulatory approach. Reference List Blinder, A. S. (2015). Financial Entropy and the Optimality of Over-regulation.The New International Financial System: Analyzing the Cumulative Impact of Regulatory Reform,48(3). Christensen, H. B., Lee, E., Walker, M., Zeng, C. (2015). Incentives or standards: What determines accounting quality changes around IFRS adoption?.European Accounting Review,24(1), 31-61. Convergence between IFRS Standards and US GAAP. (2017) Retrieved 20 May 2017, from Czarnezki, J. J., Fiedler, K. (2016). The Neoliberal Turn in Environmental Regulation.Utah L. Rev., 1. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2017]. Deegan, C. (2013).Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Eliasen, S. Q., Mortensen, L. O., Ulrich, C. (2015). Experiences of how fishers grab opportunities in (more) free regulation of gear.ASC Extended Abstracts. Etkin, A., Bchel, C., Gross, J. J. (2015). The neural bases of emotion regulation.Nature Reviews Neuroscience,16(11), 693-700. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2017]. Horton, J., Serafeim, G., Serafeim, I. (2013). Does mandatory IFRS adoption improve the information environment?.Contemporary Accounting Research,30(1), 388-423. Kim, H. S., Park, S. (2015). Comparative Research on Domestic and Overseas Design Guidelines for Aging in Place. , 549-552. Reloaded, E. (2013).Assessment of the Free-Market Approach and Regulatory Approach to Standard Setting In Retrieved 22 May 2017, from Smith, M. J., White, A. (2014). The paradox of security regulation: public protection versus normative legitimation.Policy Politics,42(3), 421-437.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Ways in Which Work Has Been Understood By Various Theorists
Karl max and the concept of alienation On his part, Karl Max understood work as alienating. His argument was based on the capitalistic mode of production which has its roots in the industrial revolution of 1600. This mode of production is characterised by two groups of people namely the capitalists and the proletariats. According to Karl max, the proletariats own nothing except their labour, which they sale at cheap price to the capitalists (Wharton 44).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Ways in Which Work Has Been Understood By Various Theorists specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The concept of alienation simply means the existence of some dividing forces between things which are essentially supposed to be in harmony with each other. For example, man created and discovered religion, but the same man subjects himself to uncomfortable religious beliefs or practices like refusing to take medicine due to reli gious beliefs. In this situation, religion makes man to be uneasy, yet it is the same man who creates the religion (Wharton 45). Max argued that the ideal purpose of work was to make man happy by enabling him move towards the actualization levels in his life. But due to the capitalistic economy, work is no longer playing its primary function in man, but rather, it is alienating him. According to Max, man can be alienated in three major ways namely the alienation from the results of labour, alienation from the other workers and alienation of the worker from him or herself (Wharton 45). Alienation from the results of labour happens when man works but he does not have a stake in the products of his labour and only gets his wages, which are way below the worth of the products of his labour. This is what Karl max calls exploitation, which creates profits in form of surplus. Paradoxically, the surplus is not attributed to the workers but rather to the capitalists (Wharton 49). Alienation from other workers takes place when the worker is transformed into a commodity to be used in the competitive capitalist economy. In this situation, the worker is not viewed as a social being but is tied to his or her work, in which he or she is paid as per his or her output.Advertising Looking for critical writing on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Alienation of the worker from himself takes place when the worker is robbed of his ability or opportunity to enjoy the intrinsic value of work. In the capitalistic economy, personal lives are separated from work, meaning that the worker is transformed into a machine. This makes him or her to work for the sake of working, but not as a way of serving other humanity or quenching his passion to work in a certain field (Wharton 51). Max weber and bureaucracy This theoretical approach was formed by Max Weber in 1947.The approach conceptualizes organisations as being guide d by hierarchical chains of command, in which decisions were made based on the top down approach. Those who are at the top management positions are responsible for making the decisions while their juniors are responsible for the execution of those decisions. In the hierarchy, each position is composed of specific roles and responsibilities as well as some amount of authority to make decisions or to command other workforce down the hierarchy (Wharton 51). Weber conceptualizes organisations as being characterized by division of labour and specialization. Each position in the hierarchy is held by specialized individuals or bureaucrats who have acquired education and training on that particular position. The specializations are accompanied by some powers and authorities depending on the position in the hierarchy (Wharton 51). Weber views organisations as being guided by formal regulations and rules which are formed and communicated well within the organisation. There are the rules of co nduct in the workplace which govern things like working hours, holidays, offs, the language to be used, communication protocols within the organisation based on the hierarchy, and the communication channel regarding assignments for specific positions in the hierarchy. These rules and regulations govern the procedures and the processes of the organisation so as to give it an identity as well as stability and make it possible to predict it’s because everything is planned in advance and followed to the letter without failure or compromise (Wharton 52).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Ways in Which Work Has Been Understood By Various Theorists specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Weber views organisations as being characterized or guided by rationality. Employees are selected not on the basis of friendship but on merit and their qualifications. Weber’s approach does not encourage the mixing of f riendship or family issues with organisational business. All employees are therefore selected in a transparent and competitive process which is free from any form of bias. The same applies to employee remunerations. Each and every employee is remunerated as per his or her position, qualifications and rank in the organisation, meaning that those who are at the top get higher remunerations than those who are at the bottom in the hierarchy. In terms of responsibilities, those at the bottom are more involved with organisational activities while those at the top are mostly concerned with policy issues and public relations activities and are less involved in the daily running of the organisations (Wharton 54). Weber’s approach recognizes positions in the hierarchy by their designations but not by the individuals who hold them. This is to say that there is no personification of ranks within the organisation which ensures that authority is respected and reduces subjectivity as it inc reases objectivity in the organisational undertakings (Wharton 56). Frederick Winslow Taylor and scientific management The theory of scientific management was developed by Taylor in the year 1947.The theory focuses on the importance of planning of work. Taylor argued that planning of work was very important for organisations to achieve standardization, efficiency, simplification and specialization (Wharton 57). According to Taylor, increased productivity is brought about by mutual trust between the management and the workers, which is possible to be increased through: eliminating or minimizing anxiety and physical stress in the work as much as possible; ensuring that the merits of increased production of the organisation go directly to the workers; developing the capabilities of workers through training and elimination of the old age â€Å"boss†concept in management of organisations (Wharton 62). Taylor’s approach is characterised by the following principles: the scie ntific selection, teaching and development of workforce for organisations; scientific training of workforce done by experts using scientific methods or criteria; scientific constructions or compositions of all elements of employees’ work and the collaboration of all organisational members or workforce in their work, based on the principles of organisations so as to increase coordination and uniformity in their work (Wharton 65).Advertising Looking for critical writing on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Who defines the parameters of work? The parameters of work are the boundaries or limitations of work. They may include things like job design, descriptions and remunerations. In a capitalistic mode of production, the guiding principle is that of extraction of wealth. What this means is that a person should maximise on the savings and minimise on the expenses irrespective of the costs or side effects (Wharton 71). As mentioned earlier in the discussion, the two key players in the capitalistic mode of production are the capitalist and the proletariat. The capitalist owns the means of production while the proletariat owns nothing other than his or her labour, which is exploited by the capitalist for his or her own benefits with the proletariat receiving insignificant remunerations in form of wages (Wharton 72). What this means is that the capitalist, who is also known as the bourgeoisie is the one who defines the parameters of work. This is because he owns the means of production major ly in form of capital. The bourgeoisie designs the work by coming up with job designs, descriptions and terms and conditions of employment. The reason why it is the capitalist who defines the parameters of work is because the capitalistic mode of production requires the capitalist to spend as little as possible in terms of capital, but derive as much output as possible. They do this mostly to maximise on the productivity of their employees, which leads to surplus and consequently the exploitation of the proletariat (Wharton 78). The key historical conceptions about work and how the new workplace is organised Historically, wok was conceptualized as being rigid, individualized and aimed at attaining maximum efficiency. The organisations were vertically structured with strict chains of command. Decisions were made based on the top down approach and employee flexibility was not encouraged. Organisations did not value employee creativity or innovativeness nor did they invest in human res ource development. Organisations concentrated in going it alone so as to beat the others and did not consider creating cohesive organisational cultures. Work was therefore greatly mechanized and employees perceived as robots to be manipulated by the management to bring certain results for the organisations (Wharton 80). On the other hand, the modern workplace is organised in a different way. First of all, many organisations have matrix and less rigid organisational structures which encourage flexibility in one’s job. Decision making is also highly decentralised to teams, which come up with their own schedules and team leaders. The new workplace is also characterized by complex relationships and cooperation between various departments of organisation as well as the creation of a cohesive organisational culture for the organisations. Many organisations are investing in human resource development as a competitive strategy (Wharton 89). How technology and flexibility on the job h ave changed the social organisation of work One of the key drivers in the transformation of the workplace is technology. Technology has revolutionized the way organisations execute their business as well as the social organisation of work. Nowadays, it is very easy to pass a communication to a massive number of employees through a click of a mouse. This has led to the liberalization of work, in which employees are given the leeway to work at their conveniences, meaning that it is not a must for them to be at the workplace all the time in order for them to be considered to have worked. This has reduced social conduct between the employees (Wharton 122). The tasks performed by the employees have also been influenced by technology. Of main concern is that technology has enabled employees to access a lot of information which they were not able to access before. This has increased the levels of understanding of the employees’ tasks hence improved their performance and productivity (Wharton 124). How understandings of human relations has shifted as a result of these transformations in the workplace The classical management approaches viewed employees as objects to be managed or manipulated by the management to produce certain results. The approaches did not have room for employees’ creativity, innovativeness or flexibility in their duties, but rather, employees were supposed to work under strict guidelines and time so as to produce specified results within a specified period of time, with dire consequences for not meeting the specified requirements or standards. However, the modern approaches are characterized by a radical departure from scientific management to the human relations approach (Wharton 145). This approach views employees as social beings complete with feelings, emotions and needs. The approach pays attention to employee motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic). The approach is based on the systems theory, which looks at organisations as being made of various subsystems, which work in harmony with each other for the benefit of the whole. The employees are one of the many subsystems and therefore there is need of having in place a culture which fosters employee commitment and dedication to organisational objectives and goals (Wharton 168). The features of the new economy The new economy is characterized by lean and flexible production, emphasis on human capital as opposed to financial capital, change management, continuous innovation, research and development, liberalized organisational structure, emphasis on market capitalization instead of profits, e-business, building of alliances for success, short life cycle of products, customer driven, differentiation as a competitive strategy, unpredictable markets, human resource development and employee empowerment, on-going learning, and a culturally diverse workforce (Head 125). Ways in which information technology has shifted the kind of work done by lower and upper level emp loyees As mentioned elsewhere in this discussion, information and communication technology has brought radical changes in the workplace, which have changed the kind of work done by both lower and upper level employees. The upper level employees basically work at managerial or supervisory ranks. With the advent of information and communication technology, the upper level employees may use information and communication technology to communicate and supervise their employees. This has reduced their presence in the organisations. They can also use electronic systems to evaluate or appraise the employees, thus coming up with new information from the employees within a very short time (Head 129). The lower level employees are the ones who perform most of the organisational work. They are supposed to be present at their workplace at all times. But with the advent of information and communication technology, many lower level employees are embarking on team networking, which has made it poss ible for them to be flexible through development of their working schedules. The team members may easily communicate with each other in the organisation and coordination of their work, making them achieve better results (Head 146). The impact of these changes on workplace relationships The above changes have increased understanding between the upper level and lower level employees. This is because of enhanced ability to pass any form of communication from either level. This has also reduced the number of conflicts between the two levels thus contributing to a cohesive organisational culture. The upper level employees and the lower level ones are also able to interact as frequent as possible, both physically and virtually. This has led to increased coordination, control and planning of organisational functions. The lower level employees are also able to interact with each other more freely thus leading to strong bonding, given that they share both work related information as well as personal related information (Head 155). Works Cited Head, Simon. The New Ruthless Economy: Work Power in the Digital Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.125-155. Wharton, Amy. Selected Material From Working In America: Continuity, Conflict, and Change, (3rd Ed.).New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions, 2006.44-168. This critical writing on Ways in Which Work Has Been Understood By Various Theorists was written and submitted by user Deborah Vega to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Understand culture essays
Understand culture essays Dictionary. com defined culture as the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought, so language is just the one element of the culture. It doesnt mean if you dont know the language of that culture, you would not understand that culture. You can know it in many different ways, so I disagree. If you want to know this culture, you dont have to know the language in this culture. You can see the introduction of the culture which is in your language if it is possible or you can100 see the products and acts which were made in that culture. For example, the old Egypt had been disappeared thousand years ago, no baby can speak the old Egypt language, but the scientists still can know most old Egypt culture. The scientists investigate the cultural relics, such as the mummies. And the buildings, such as pyramids. Then know assembly the old Egypt culture. After that, they begin to investigate the characters. They try to translate their, therefore they can read their recordation and know what was going on in their history. If carol wants to know her native culture,200 you got many different ways to know. Firstly, she can ask her parents or some older relations in her family, because the older people has been in this culture a long time, they should know the culture more than the you ng people. Secondly, she can read the books about her native culture, that would be the easiest and the most directly way to get the information. The books would introduce the culture comprehensively. Thirdly, if Carol is so lazy, she can just look some products and acts which are made in their culture. she can more or less get some 300information form them. However, I think language is still a very important part to understand a culture. If you know the language of the culture, you probably know the culture entirely. Because language of the culture can express its ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Eygpt problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Eygpt problems - Essay Example Giving the example of Lebanon, Shadid shows just how confused the state of affairs is, where people cannot decide on their own just what exactly they want from their country. Though Shadid concedes that Western powers are to be blamed for merely giving lip-service to the cause of the people while turning a blind eye towards the dictators as long as their interests are looked after by the despotic governments, however, he is quick to point out that the blame does not rest with them alone. The frustration caused has much to do with the failure of the states to satisfy their citizens in giving them a good life. All this, Shadid opines, has left the door open for people’s revolutions, as is evident from what happened in Tunisia and Lebanon and Egypt. This, he contends, marks the beginning of the end of the status quo that has existed in the Arab world. The article is a very well thought out piece of work. It is thought provoking indeed. While those in the West are quick to point o ut at the actions of the leaders of the Arab World and blame them for a lot of human rights abuses, for instance, what we do not realize sitting here is that in some way, our government has to carry the blame for letting these despots come to power and letting them stay in power as long as our interests are served. However, as Shadid pointed out, the state of affairs has been brought to this because of the way the states have been treating their citizens. For far too long the despots of the Arab World have treated their citizens as if they are less than human. Hiding behind the force of their police or armed forces, they sought to create fear in the hearts of their citizens, and they succeeded in doing so too. They ruled with an iron fist and accepted no dissension whatsoever. However, the rules of the game have changed. As is evident from what happened in Tunisia, and what happened in Egypt after this article was written, it is clear that the masses still have the power to bring ab out change in the system. Things have come to the point where even Libya’s Gaddafi is facing a similar demand from his people: he should resign from his tyrannical rule and let someone else rule the country for a change. With all that has been happening in the Arab world, it is clear to see that the politics of the twentieth century will not hold credence. With globalization and the technological advancement in methods of mass communication, it is now next to impossible to hold information from people. It is this free flow of information that has caused people to get together and speak for their rights. It is only a matter of time before this fire spreads throughout the Arab world. It is, therefore, needed that the rulers of the region talk heed of the warning signs and start implementing a more humane and more tolerant policy, both towards the citizens, in general, and their opposition, in particular. However, it can be contended that it might be too late, as now, when peopl e have seen how much the masses can attain by just banding together; they would not be willing to back down and remain obedient servants to their tyrannical rulers. The repression by
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Cold War in Europe Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cold War in Europe - Assignment Example The attitude of the writer towards communism changes when the Soviets take the occupation of Czech in the 1946 elections. After the Yalta agreement that ended the brutal German rule, there was a reprieve as the pre-war president, Edward Benes takes power. The communists did well in these elections, but they did not form the majority government. They later took the power and instigated their rule with initiation of a one party state. The early phases of Prague Spring are portrayed as a call for reforms in the Dubcek governance. The voices that called for the end of centralisation of the economy and the call for the formation of the opposition Socialist party engineered the whole process. The call for reform of the party doctrine, and the free economy reforms dominated this period. Furthermore, Dubcek wanted to form interrelationship with the West. He claimed that Czech would continue to be subsidiary to the Soviet Union and the other partners. Fearing that their own citizens would demand for similar reforms, Breshnev took action to gain control. It became clear that the Warsaw Pact powers had the right to intervene in the matter. On the Warsaw Pact invasion, Dubcek called for the no-resistance, despite the sporadic fighting outbreaks. The students endeavoured to stop the Soviet tanks, and tried to involve the NATO. With over 70,000 Czech refugees, non-violent resistance took place. The president was arrested and taken to Moscow, but mass resistance led to his return to Czech. The later protests led to the removal of Dubcek as the president, and he was replaced by Gustav Husak who launched the normalisation programme (Conference Six Focus – topic 1). The impression obtained from the Czech political fortunes is that, they advocated for reforms in their system of governance. They were committed towards becoming and independent state with a democratic setting. The focus to development, other than war, was a gallant step towards their growth. Stalin
Monday, January 27, 2020
Tourism Promotion Has Grown
Tourism Promotion Has Grown In the past few years, the body of literature on tourism promotion has grown. Some scholars have paid more attention on this field. Through review being provided by Rothschild (1987, p, 24) and Shimp (1990, p, 19), promotion was originally used in the marketing communication field, and concept of promotion consists of four main elements, namely publicity, advertising, personal selling and sales promotion. According to, Witt and Moutinho (1995, p, 376) claim, promotion is the crux of any successful tourism venture. Moreover, the promotion of tourism regards as complex communication activities. In other words, the point of Witt and Moutinho (1995, p, 377) is that promotion is the mix of communication activities designed by tourist organizations to influence those target audiences upon whom their sales depend both directly and indirectly, in both the short and long term. In addition, in terms of tourism products have their own features, therefore the ways of promotion are different from other types of products. Furthermore, based on previous research, promoting tourism is not only a responsibility of tourist organizations, but also is a program activity of countries, states and provinces (Gunn Var, 2002, p, 57). According to Ascher (1982, cited in Hall, 2007, p, 182), tourism promotion plays an active role in activities of government. What is more, Hall (2007, p, 182) explained that in Australia either Commonwealth or state government pays more attention on the promotion of tourism. In addition, according to the studies of Gunn and Var (2002, p, 57) claim that promotion for tourism usually encompass four activities: advertising, publicity, public relations and incentives. The terms of purpose of tourism promotion is attract visitors and build the sense of a destination. As Middleton (1993, p, 32) suggest tourism promotion serves many functions in addition to the more obvious one of increasing awareness of a place and encouraging visitors through the communication of attractive images. In other words, Tourism promotion can be a tool in image of destination building and increasing a sense of place. And then based on the studies of Henderson (2003, p, 72) point out that tourism promotion can inspire civic pride, as well as to strengthen the sense of belonging for place on the one hand, on the other hand via tourism promotion, destinations can enhanced the reputation in the world wide. In addition both governments and tourism organizations can get economic benefits. According to the research of Witt and Moutinho (1995, p, 379) concluded that promotion of tourism has several fundamental features. For instance, tourism promotion regard as tourism products, which means promotion in tourism, has almost the same features as tourism products. In addition, due to tourism promotion based on symbols, such as sounds, images, pictures, and words, promotion in tourism is harder than in most other kinds of marketing. In brief, promotion alone must generate desire and acceptance in the absence of more tangible evidence, which is why it is no exaggeration to say that promotion is the product (Witt Moutinho, 1995, p, 380). Moreover, the risk associated with tourism promotion (Dwyer Forsyth, 1992, P, 18). Because tourism promotion could be seen as either short-tern or long-term investment activities, the whole process of promoting tourism faces risk. In addition, tourism industry, which is a risky industry, can affect on tourism promotion (Witt Moutinho, 1995 , p, 381). Furthermore, tourism promotion has integrated feature. Based on previous research from Witt and Moutinho suggested that promotion might be seen as complex activity for the governments, travel agencies and destinations. As a result, all the diverse elements of tourism promotion, such as brochures, advertising and films, could be consistent with this feature (Witt Moutinho, 1995, p, 380). Moreover, tourism promotion has certain cultural feature. Since tourism is a cultural product to customers, promoting tourism is to reflect the cultural expectations of the market. It seems that promotion tends to deal with cultural stereotypes (Witt Moutinho, 1995, p, 380). 2.1.1 Tourism promotion in Traditional Media In general, the concept of traditional media is opposite idea of social media (Bruhn, Schoenmueller Schafer, 2012, p, 770). In addition, according to studies provided by Hsu, Killion, Brown, Gross and Huang (2008, p, 302) indicated that traditional media consist by television, film, radio, magazines, newspapers and other print materials. These various forms of traditional media play different roles in tourism promotion. For instance, advertisements are regarded as significant form among tourism promotion. Tourism advertisements are available in different traditional media platforms, such as newspapers, magazines and television (Gunn Var, 2002, p, 57). According to previous research from Hsu, et al (2008, p, 302) asserted, advertising in newspaper, which is seen as the low-cost promotional way. Despite the feature of low-cost, Leckenby (2005, p, 24) asserted, newspapers provide wide reach. As a result many tourism organizations prefer this form as the channel of promotion. Furthermo re, compared with advertising in newspaper, advertising in television is more expensive. According to Hsu, et, al (2008, p, 304) point out that a television advertisement can achieve national exposure and reach a large proportion of the population if it is shown several times during prime-time shows over a number of weeks. It clear that advertising in television is traditional and significant tourism promotional way. Additionally, tourism television advertisements are also regarded as the important channel of national tourism campaign in the past few years (Hall, 2007, p, 181). Additionally, tourism brochures are one of common tourism promotional ways. Based on a literature review, Hsu, et al (2008, p, 298) assert Brochures and other printed materials play a more significant role in tourism than in most other industries. It is clear that brochures, as printed media, play a key role in tourism promotion. In addition, because of other forms of media are expensive for promotion, advertising in brochures is more popular forms of promotion in travel and tourism (Rozier-Rich Santos, 2011, p, 395). Furthermore, from the research of Andereck (2005, p, 8) assert brochures is an influential source of travel information for tourists. In addition, a variety of researchers exist which show brochure is one of significant and widely of promotional method available in tourism industry (Holloway Plant, 1988; Wicks Schuett, 1991, p, 301). With rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies, according to previous researchers, Andereck (2005, p, 3) suggeste d travel brochures continue being the main promotional tool for many places or tourism business which does not have the necessary economic, human, technical or structural resources for spreading information in a more complex or sophisticated way. However, similar to researches put forth by Andereck (2005), Hsu et al (2008, p, 311) argued that if tourism brochures have not been chose appropriate ways to attract attention from customers, and distributed to the improper destinations, brochures are going to be ineffective. As a result, despite printing tourism brochures, many organizations using website to promote their products and services. Moreover, according to Gunn and Var (2002, p, 57) claim of great aid in promoting tourism is the recent explosion in the use of the Internet and electronic business. It seems that the Internet might be seen as a challenge to tourism brochures. Furthermore, in some studies found that films as a tourism tool, which play an active role in tourism industry. Riley and Doren (1991, p, 267) point out that movies become pull factors (attraction) situated in push locations (tourism generating areas). Via films, which can attract tourists to travel as well as cultivate familiarity feeling of tourists toward destinations. From the beginning of 1980s, for example, Australian government used movies as promotional tool. In 1986, the movie Crocodile Dundee released, which express Australian bush culture and laconic Australian identity. Additionally, when the film Australian released, which encourage more international visitors to Australia (Beeton, 2004, p, 131). Therefore, Australia is an appropriate example to analysis movie as a tourism promotion tool. Currently, a large number of studies focus on using tourism brochures, advertising and films to promote tourism business. In addition, little research has pay attention on the impact of Internet for tourism promotion. However, tourism promotion in traditional media existed some problems. For example, traditional media platforms are difficult to attract and capture the attention of target customers on the one hand. On the other hand, the process of update and transmit information is ineffective, such as advertising in newspapers and television, the content need to repeat several times might be attracted attention from target customers or travelers. According to the studies produced by Stern (1995, p, 127, cited in Leckenby, 2005, p, 5) claimed, traditional media, such as television, is a passive and time-constrained media. With rapid development of network communications, social media is gradually effect in many industries. It seems that social media are increasingly replacing traditi onal media (Bruhn, et al, 2012, p, 771). In addition, many scholars pay more attention on promotion in marketing area. However, few studies show a concern on how to use social media, which play a key roe in promotion, to promoting tourism. 2.2
Sunday, January 19, 2020
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - The Dynamic Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
The Dynamic Gatsby The Great Gatsby is a book filled with dynamic characters, written by a dynamic person. Throughout the book, the themes and situations are on many symbolic levels. The Great Gatsby is such a novel, that the hero is portrayed to the reader by a man who, with seemingly no effort, will not judge a man easily. He perceives him, takes him in, and analyzes him. This man’s name is not, in fact, Gatsby, but Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story. The man who is being perceived, of course, is Jay Gatsby, our hero. Our story, The Great Gatsby, starts out when Nick, a stock trader, moves to West Egg. West Egg is a part of Long Island where the "new" rich people live. "New" rich is a term used to describe people who have recently acquired their wealth, and have no connections in East Egg, where the people who have established their wealth live. Gatsby befriends Nick for a good reason, to meet his long lost love, Daisy, Nick’s cousin and resident of East Egg. Unfortunately for Gatsby, Daisy is married to Tom, a boisterous man who has taken in a mistress and everyone in the novel knows about it. Throughout the novel, Nick acts as Gatsby’s confidant. A confidant is a person present when a hero needs someone to listen to his plight. We get to know Gatsby, even though he is bad because of the illegal liquor bootlegging operation he runs. We get to know Gatsby because we like the confidant. If Nick, the confidant, is Gatsby’s friend, then Gatsby will be our friend as well. This is true of all relationships that deal with Nick. For the most part, we will feel the same way towards a character as Nick does. The novel ends in explosion and uproar. Nick, knowing Gatsby’s passion for Daisy, gets the two together for tea. They rekindle their lost love for each other, and, for a long time, they concealed their love for each other from Tom, Daisy’s husband.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Jim’s Training Needs Analysis Essay
Introduction In this case study the training needs analysis is lacking in job duties and responsibilities that create an unsafe environment. The training program is not consistent or is it cost effective in the trial and error method in backhoe procedures. Jim needs the organization to create a training objective in KSAs. Management needs to review the workplace methods in safe practices, regulations and work conditions that meet the goals and objectives of the organization. Potential Cost to Lack of Training This method in trial and error for a day to check an employee’s skills can mean they are doing well, but improvement is needed in their progress to determine their KSAs. Jim is adaptable to changing situations, but truly does not know the backhoe equipment, safety precautions, or the operating techniques of digging a hole. This type of training does not align in cost effective measures, the supervisor should observe and mentor Jim in his position as a backhoe operator and teamwork is essential to get the job done. There is no transfer of training to the task. It appears the organization is small and lacks resources to train their employees in new skills. There was no development phase of formulating an instructional strategy (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). The organization lacked high quality services, and continued to grow and Jim’s job satisfaction to a large degree is dependent on input from other co-workers. The crew chief and Bill Granger, gave credible advice, standards of performance and guidelines by providing proper instructions in operating the backhoe. However, Jim’s work quality was deficient in breaking waterlines or digging up underground telephone lines. According to Blanchard & Thacker (2013, p. 151) table 5-4 would have been cheaper in a training program, then constantly paying for the damage Jim imposed upon the company. It was as if there were no rules to work by, and Jim did not have a clear sense of appropriate behavior. In addition, his crew members were not happy in Jim’s operating techniques and they strived to get the job done safely and effectively. This type of non-training is detrimental to the organization, and can create a hostile work environment with individuals needing proper skills. Jim is performing inefficiently and lacks the application to perform the job satisfactorily. Recommended Methods and Training for the Organization The employee selection process starts with the job description. The employee employed is interviewed and other applicable testing for the position. This will include the pre and post-test method in screening the applicant according to the organizations policies and state, federal regulations. In addition, consider a ninety day probationary period. This would help the organization to determine if Jim’s performance, attitude, attendance measures to the organization’s standards. The business stakeholders want to know that the employees and training matches the experience, benchmarks and performance metrics (Saunderson, 2012). According to Saunderson (2012) the training needs to be transparent, solve problems, how to operate equipment and relay information and not provide redundant skills. According to Blanchard & Thacker (2013, p. 155) table 5-6 verbs is transferring the training: Knowledge to analyze, cite explain and reproduce tasks. Skills to assemble, operate install and demonstrate. Attitudes align with the organization in commitment. Jim was deficient in these skills as the operator of the backhoe and the crew chief and team members realized he was not prepared for this position. Therefore, the TNAs would be cost effective for the organization. This means a combination of classroom and on-the-job training. The workplace training is to incorporate the latest organizational policies, procedures and state, federal guidelines. In addition, the training would be tailored to certifications, training materials, safe work conditions and ready reference materials for the pretest/post-test final exam. Workforce training and planning trends today need to meet these objectives (Planning for people, 2012, Dec 29): Address skill gaps. Recruitment process, orientation, employee coaching, mentoring and development are specific and have compensation initiatives. Define goals in terms of human resource metrics, timelines and measure what is accomplished. Ensure senior management support. Involve management in overseeing the development of the workforce plan and it is linked to the corporate strategy. Ensure employees are updated/trained in new policies/procedure and are executed effectively. This would create an organization’s continuity plan towards the strategic direction. In addition, the organization implementation, maintenance and performance metrics. The Trainer and Training Environment The trainer and training environment will be within the workplace. This will eliminate any concerns that this training will not work at this plant, the boss generally makes those decisions and will better transfer the training to their specific job Blanchard & Thacker (2013, p. 285). In a small business this is cost effective and the development phase input, process and output define the organizations objective goals. In the training and development process of equipment it will be done off-site to determine skills, safety practices and the actual physical operation of outdoor machinery. Throughout this implementation phase, the physical environment must be constantly monitored. This ensures learning has occurred. The learning process will be generalizability in jobs-relatedness and practice skills to the actual job Blanchard & Thacker (2013, p. 294). The primary concerns in a training program is the learning impact, cost, time schedule without reducing productivity in the workplace environment. Therefore, the training program will be disseminated in advance throughout all levels of the organization. This will allow management, senior executive’s involved sufficient time to arrange employee’s schedules. This will be done so that work assignment can be adequately covered during the individual’s absence. The training will be evaluated and measured according to the skills learned and transferred to the job. According to Blanchard & Thacker (2013, p. 318) providing feedback to the trainer, can be used to modify the program and process to facilitate the training success. Conclusion The case scenario with Jim, truly demonstrated that trial and error method is not cost effective as a training and development program would be in an organization. In addition, when individuals are deficient in job skills it can create a hostile environment, lower morale and not encourage teamwork. In the above examples the best trainer would be within the workplace to diminish any barriers to the training methods. In addition off-site training for outdoor machinery would be effective in safe work conditions and actual operation of equipment. Jim needs the organization to create a training objective in KSAs. Management needs to review the workplace methods in safe practices, regulations and work conditions that meet the goals and objectives of the organization. References Blanchard, P.N. & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practices (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall. Planning for people. (2012, Dec 29). Winnipeg Free Press Retrieved from Saunderson, R. (2012). Transparency in training. Training, 49(1), 134-135. Retrieved from
Friday, January 3, 2020
Movie Review The Last Of The Mohicans - 1413 Words
Mohican Movie Assignment The Last of the Mohicans is a movie in which a young white man, who also happens to be adopted by a Mohican and his son, set out to save the two daughters of English leader, colonel Munro; who have been kidnapped. Along the way the men run into trouble when they come across a war between the French and the Indians. Hawkeye (the white man) wants ever so badly to help out in the war as much as possible but throughout their journey the three men run into very difficult times/obstacles. On top of all of the chaos, Hawkeye believes that he has found love with one of the daughters of colonel Munro. Hawkeye, Uncas (brother), and Chingachook (father) all set out in 1757 to save the daughters of colonel Munro. The three men hide out in the woods and wait until the opportunity presents itself to attack and get the sisters back. The three men succeed on their mission to apprehend the sisters. On the way back to take the sisters to their father the three men find that th e French are attacking the Mohawk Indian tribe. These guys were relentless in their quest to gain control over the Mohawk farms and villages. As a result, Hawkeye goes to British leader and request that they try to help the Indians. However, the British leader denies the request and proceeds to tell the colonist that if he finds that they assisted the Indians in any way they would be killed. Although told not to a few of the colonist decided that it was worth the risk. When colonel Munro findsShow MoreRelated The Last Of The Mohicans : Movie Review Essay771 Words  | 4 PagesThe Last Of The Mohicans : Movie Review A. Plot Whilst making their way to a British Fort, Major Heywood and his party are attacked by Indians. Three men come to their rescue, two of them Indians, and another is a white man whom was raised by the eldest Indian. 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