Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Neural Bases of Emotion Regulation †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Neural Bases of Emotion Regulation. Answer: Introduction The report is intended to show the various types of the rules which are seen to be related to the adoption of the IFRS. The main discussions of the study have been able to state on the factors which has discoursed US to adopt the IFRS standards. The discussions in the report have been able to show the validity and the rationality of the argument. The report has been further discussed with the perceived benefits which has been seen to be adopted as per the global standardisations as per the IFRS. The study has been further able to support the necessary boundaries of the discussions with relevant examples and the discussion based on the case studies. This section of the report has been further able to identify the necessary factors which are associated to the perceived benefits. In the next section of the discussion the study has been able to concentrate on the different types of the concepts associated to the free market supporter. The report has been able to support the discussion wi th the relevant explanation associated to free market argument, which has been seen to be conducive in eliminating or reducing the accounting regulations. The latter part of the discussions has been able to highlight on the important aspect of the discussions which is seen to be associated to being a pro regulation supporter in providing the various types of the counter arguments. The counter arguments have been discussed in terms of focusing on the issues which are seen to be associated to the issues relating to the free market arguments. This portion of the report has been seen to be related to the third part of the report. Identification of FASB and IASB duties including IFRS foundation and US SEC For many years practitioners and the regulators based in the US has been seen with the possibility of eliminating the usage of US GAAP and adopting IFRS. The SEC has been further seen to discuss on some of the major challenges which are seen to be associated to the discussing of the several challenges of accepting the IFRS practices. IASB and FASB have been seen to be negating for several years to shift focus on USA for global rules. The SEC has been already seen to allow the foreign firms selling stocks in USA to file the financial statements here using IFRS. The convergence between the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been seen to be implemented since 2002. This amalgamation has been seen to be implemented in form of merging of the IFRS Standards and US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) (Ifrs.org, 2017). This has been seen to be among the top priority for both FASB and IASB. There has been seen to be several studies which are seen to discuss the standards related to employ the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), in order to determine the effects of the early adoption of the IFRS practices. It has been further seen that the different types of the benefits which are seen to be related to the adoption of the IFRS. The various consideration of the study has been seen to be associated to the implementation of some metric standards which are seen to be related to the adoption practices in the areas related in public and the non public companies. The US practitioners have been further seen with very mixed feelings about the implementation of the IFRS practices. As per the data available in 2008, the CPAs have been seen to be favouring of delaying the adoption process of the IFRS implementation in U.S. Some of the main from of the hindrances in the adoption of the IFRS practices has been seen in terms of the non-readiness of the sates of the US for the full adoption of the IFRS system. 42% of the CPA has been further seen to be agreeing to the fact for the full adoption of IFRS needs to deal with higher convergence rate. It was stated by the former FASB chairman Robert Herz that the broad support of the single set of thee high quality of the international standards has been seen to support the broad support for "a single set of high-quality international standard. However, the readiness of the industries needs to tested in terms of the various types of recognition of the system wide issues. Some of the main consideration for the shifting of the IFRS for the companies has been further seen to be made based on the statements given by Ernest Almonte, the former chairman of AICPA. According to his statements the US firm needs to make the major decision of shifting to the IFRS standards based on the decisions which are seen to be related to adoption of the IFRS after consideration of the time and the cost factors. Several other practitioners had warned about the challenges which the auditors will be facing in the preparation of the audit report after the adoption of the IFRS standards. The more skeptical factors related to the adoption of the IFRS standards has been seen with the not suitable U.S. economy. Identified perceived benefits of IFRS The standardization of the IFRS standard at global scale has been evident not only in U.S. but also the European countries. IASB was established in 2001 for the development of IFRS and a year later the standard was seen to be adopted by European Union, under the effective jurisdiction from 2005. It was seen that after the launch of first IFRS in 2003, at least 19 countries complied with IFRS, since then nearly 70 countries were seen to adopt the mandate of IFRS. In addition to this, 23 countries were seen to adopt the mandate for some of the listed companies or allowed listed companies to voluntarily adopt IFRS. In 2007 more than 40 domestically developed countries were seen to adopt the IFRS standards. Some of these countries include Brazil, China, Canada, Japan and India (Christensen et al., 2015). The perceived benefits from the IFRS adoption has been directly seen in terms of stock market benefits for the European countries. The EU evidence has been seen in terms of the investors expecting the net information related to the quality benefits in the IFRS adoption. The attributable capital market benefits has been observed in terms of the improvements made in the earnings management and timely loss recognition and adding more value to the accounting amounts to match with the non US domestic standards. In contrast to some of the other compliance with the accounting standards has been seen with improvements in terms of better determination of the accounting quality. The second perceived benefits have been further identified in terms of the network benefits from the adoption of the IFRS standards. Some of the relative significance of the importance has been further discerned in form of the reduced costs for adapting to the IFRS standards (Horton et al., 2013). The net economic value of the IFRS adoption is seen from the pecuniary benefits which are seen to be associated to the conceived economic models of the networking. Supporting the argument with examples/cases, discussion The relevant benefit from the network benefits has been already seen in terms of the European countries. These countries have been seen to be directly benefitted from the reduced costs which have been seen to be directly related to the adoption of the IFRS standards. Some of the proponents of the IFRS have been seen to argue that the standards are seen to directly reduce the information cost on particular economy. Some of the other examples of the global standardization have been further observed in terms of adhering to the several local standards. Based on this, the companies are seen to be testing whether the economies with higher level of trade or foreign investment are more likely to adopt IFRS. It has been clearly seen that this was directly evident to be case in countries such as Canada, U.S., Japan and Australia. The political value of the adoption has been further identified in terms of the political nature of the standard setting. In case the standard setting of IFRS has bee n seen to be influenced by the political lobbying, more powerful nations such as Japan, U.S. and Australia are seen to be more likely for shaping of IFRS. The position of the IFRS prevailing in EU has been seen to override the aforementioned argument. In several countries, the adoption of the adoption of IFRS has been seen in terms of the influence of the internal politics. Some of these examples have been identified in terms of the actions of special-interest lobbyists and ideology-driven regulators. IFRS is seen to be influenced by the internal politics, even more transparent societies such as U.S. is seen to be such an example. Understanding the concepts of free-regulation Free market approach has been seen to be that idea where the accounting information has been seen to be based on the accounting information of the ordinary economic assets. It relates to that practice where the accounting information should be treated like forces responsible for demand and supply and various types of other goods. There have been several reasons which are seen to oppose the International standardization of accounting standards (Davidpublisher.org, 2017). The increase in the competitive environment has been seen to encourage the financial analyst, regulators and lobbying group to take the necessary interest in the market. The accounting standards has been seen to create a debate which are seen with whether accountants should regulate or set accounting standards. The accounting standards have emerged as a language for operating of a business. Due to this, the new regulation of accounting has been setup as a language for the business in various government institutions fo r financial accountability (Deegan, 2013). The accounting regulations are seen to compose of social, economic and political factors. This is mainly because accounting regulations are required for the varied considerations for the economic, social, and political and the market needs. Due to these considerations the regulations cannot protect the investors against market risks. However, the free market approach is seen to determine the regulations and the accounting information which are seen to meet the interests of the public (Eliasen et al., 2015). The regulatory approach in the accounting standards is seen to directly influence the economy of a country. The accounting standards are further seen to be perceived based on fiscal goods, which are further seen to be related to interactive forces, which is seen to be controlled more efficiently in a free accounting regulation. The various types of the underscoring assumption made in the free market has been further seen to ebb associated to the market forces which may create an equilibrium of optimal magnitude, which is in relation to the concerned customer demand. The main argument for the framework is seen to be applied for the various types of the needs which are seen to be related to the fiscal needs (Hbs.edu, 2017). The proponents of the free market theory has been further seen to propose various considerations related to the maximizing the profits in the free market economy. The positive accounting theory has been seen to be associated the different types of the theories, which attempts to predict the ways in which the accounting theories are seen to predict the actions and the related events in the accounting practices. The accountants are further seen to support the role which is seen to be vital for support the free market economy operations. One important instance of the application of the free market theory has been seen in terms of mercy ministry (Etkin et al., 2015). This institution is seen to be an organization whose role is to offer physical and spiritual help for taking the care of the social justice in an appropriate manner. Hence, people are seen to be more of the opinion to consider the accounting regulations to be operating under a free market situation. The ministry is also seen to be effective in terms of supporting the necessary free market operations for the various types of the reasons which are seen to be associated to increasing the responsibility and the achievement of the organizational needs. The free market has been further seen to be highly effective in terms of the formulation of the various types of the operation which are seen to be associated to the effective investment which is made by the ministries. The entities have been further seen to be outsourcing the various types of the responsibilities which are seen to be related to the needs of outsourcing the staff members in an organization (Reloaded, 2013). Understanding the concepts of pro-regulations Based on the anti regulation perspective, if anyone wants desired information they are seen to be prepared to pay for it and the demand should be able to ensure an optimal amount of the information produced. Unlike the various types of the other products, information can be neither altered by the means of private consumption by the individuals. The main consideration of the pro regulations has been seen with level playing field. The pro regulation further sees the natural mechanism of the market as an interesting perspective. The various types of the social, environmental and the other individuals intended to make the query in favour of the pro regulation view. It has been further believed that the main considerations of the theory are based on the protection of the various types of the interest of the stakeholders. The regulators of the information often consider this as a more protective measure for complying with the financial reporting requirement which has been seen to be enacte d after the financial crisis. The main assumptions of the pro regulators have been identified to be implicit to the protection of the investors for the purpose of complying with the financial reporting regulations. It has been further seen that these types of the reporting information has been seen to be consisting of higher quality of information and in various cases the implementation of this technique has led to lessened possibility of the losses during the financial crisis and in several cases it has been observed that managers were seen to gaining from the pro regulation (Smith White, 2014). The accounting information is recognized as public goods, once it is available, people can utilize the same without any cost and further pass the same among others. Parties are seen to make use of the goods and services which are seen to be based on the related products cost and are often referred to as the free riders. Only a handful of people have been seen to have incentives for the pay of goods and the services, this leads to underproduction of the information (Czarnezki Fiedler, 2016). The rationale for the regulating financial accounting practice has been seen to be evident in terms of the developed nations, which often needs to consider a uniform method, for protecting instances of misleading information. The main rationale for the support of the pro regulation has been seen with the protection of the public interest. It has been further seen that the free market regulations has been seen to negatively influence the oversupply of information and in various cases the oversupply of the information (Kim Park, 2015). The support of the market is viewed as a system for promoting more penalties and to further ensure managers are doing as expected. The regulators are further seen to act at their own self interest which is includes the people who are being regulated. The accounting standards are further seen to be accepted social and the economic benefits. The main jurisdictions of the pro regulations in terms of the corporate financial statement have been further seen to be true and fair in nature. Hence, form the various types of the considerations made in the pro regulation has been able to support higher economic investments in the country. Regulatory approach has been seen to be denoted in a broader sense for governing in a particular way where the public activities are decided upon and implemented. The regulatory approach has been further seen to be taken into consideration based on the achieving the interest of public and goals of investors by formulating regulations based on the standards. Henceforth, the varied approach has been seen to be developed based on the specific needs of the public (Blinder, 2015). Conclusion The main considerations of the report have been able to discuss on the adoption of the global standardization acquired by U.S. in adopting the IFRS. The convergence between the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been seen to be implemented since 2002. This amalgamation has been seen to be implemented in form of merging of the IFRS Standards and US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). However, the readiness of the industries needs to tested in terms of the various types of recognition of the system wide issues. According to his statements the US firm needs to make the major decision of shifting to the IFRS standards based on the decisions which are seen to be related to adoption of the IFRS after consideration of the time and the cost factors. The main form of the perceived benefits has been directly seen in terms of stock market benefits for the European countries. The EU evidence has been seen in terms of the investors expecting the net infor mation related to the quality benefits in the IFRS adoption. The globalisation has been evident with the launch of first IFRS in 2003, at least 19 countries complied with IFRS, since then nearly 70 countries were seen to adopt the mandate of IFRS. In addition to this, 23 countries were seen to adopt the mandate for some of the listed companies or allowed listed companies to voluntarily adopt IFRS. In 2007 more than 40 domestically developed countries were seen to adopt the IFRS standards. Some of these countries include Brazil, China, Canada, Japan and India. The various discussions have been further able to provide the benefits of the free market approach over the regulatory approach. Reference List Blinder, A. S. (2015). Financial Entropy and the Optimality of Over-regulation.The New International Financial System: Analyzing the Cumulative Impact of Regulatory Reform,48(3). Christensen, H. 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