Thursday, December 26, 2019
A Functional Structured Organization With Hierarchal Rankings
Kovà ¡l is a functional structured organization with hierarchal rankings. Below is the organizational chart; †¢ Owner 1; Zachary Houghton is part owner of Kovà ¡l and manager or sales and advertising. Some of his duties include; overseeing all sales, setting long range sales goals and schedules, and leading company-wide business meetings. Weekly sales reports are given to Zachary showing total sales, revenue, and losses, with this data, he can make educated decisions and decide the direction that the company will take as it pertains to sales. Long range, one to five year, sales goals and schedules must be set so that lower management has an idea of how to handle volume and traffic, also this information is needed for other departments, such as†¦show more content†¦Florence’s responsibilities include; answering customer’s questions, supporting sales associates, setting and meeting short term sales goals and schedules; one to six months, and holding daily meetings with sales associates before opening each day. Florence is expected to be knowledgeable of all produc ts sold by Kovà ¡l so that he can properly answer any questions. He must set short term goals for sales associates to meet. Also, he must hold daily pep-meetings to prepare the sales team for the day. †¢ Sales Associates; Debby Bub, Lush June, and Lashaunda Miavers are all part of the sales team. The sales associates process transactions, take orders, restock retail space, and interact with customers. Processing transactions is the chief duty of each sales associate, this includes operating a cash register, processing returns, and signing customers up for the company newsletter. The associates will also take orders over the phone from business clients, these orders will be processed directly from their computer to the sales directors who will then send to the production officer upon acceptance. The sales associates are responsible for restocking the store shelves and arranging in an organized fashion as designated by the marketing and sales team. Occasionally customers will return items, this transaction will be handled by the sales associate. Finally, the sales associate is encouraged to talk to customers about signing up for the weekly newsletter that Kovà ¡lShow MoreRelat edKnowledge Management Audit Report4918 Words  | 20 Pages2011 3600 Knowledge Management Audit Report Student Name Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hewlett Packard (HP) is a leading multinational organization providing products and services in many IT related technologies such as computer hardware and software, printers, scanners, storage devices etc. In 1995, the company decided to introduce knowledge management in its organization that will make its systems, processes, outcomes superior with organized and systematic knowledge handling and storage. HP faces severeRead MoreOverview of Hrm93778 Words  | 376 Pagestheir bachelor degree program. This course is designed to provide you the foundations of HRM whether you intend to work in HRM or not, most of these elements will affect you at some point in your career. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Adolf Hitler The Most Infamous Man - 1111 Words
Adolf Hitler could very possibly be the most infamous man in history; often associated with genocide, destruction, and unspeakable crime. Between the years 1939 and 1945, Adolf Hitler inflicted pain, suffering, and fear, physically and emotionally, into the people of Europe with his mass killings and inhumane treatment of races he considered inferior to the Aryan race. For these innocent people, this period of time must have been the most terrifying, mind-altering, and life-changing experience. How could any one man come up and apply such sick measures of harm to entire populations of people? How could a human stand to watch other humans suffer? What brought him to decide certain races were inferior to his own? Right from the beginning, Germans took a strong hatred towards the Jews. They blamed them for all the problems in Germany, including their defeat in World War I. With all the blame against them, Jews were heavily persecuted and many fled German territories. The persecution began small. They experienced boycotts or damage to their businesses. Some were openly assaulted. The first idea was to take away the rights of the Jews and therefore purge them from their places in civil service. The ‘Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service,’ as it was called, was meant to remove Jews from many different jobs, from high, state levels, to low, local levels. The Germans wanted to remove them from any positions of power. Germans were determined to push the JewsShow MoreRelatedHitler Adolf Hitler is possibly the most infamous name in history. Undoubtedly the first thing1100 Words  | 5 PagesHitler Adolf Hitler is possibly the most infamous name in history. Undoubtedly the first thing that appears in one’s head at the sound of this horrible name is a swastika, or his mustache. That extremely fashionable way to style one’s facial hair was so easily ruined by one man alone: Hitler. He was a truly evil man. The clearest villain in modern history. How did someone as evil as Hitler rise to power? Surely someone would have stopped him before he rose all the way to emperor of Germany. WeRead MoreAdolf Hitler : The Leader Of The Nazi Party905 Words  | 4 PagesAdolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party, He was the Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and Fà ¼hrer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. As dictator of the Germany, he started World War II in Europe with the invasion of Poland in September 1939, and was the leader to the Holocaust. Born: Apr 20, 1889 Died: Apr 30, 1945 Height: 5 9 (1.75 m) Spouse: Eva Braun (1945-1945) Children: Jean-Marie Loret (Son) Founded: Nazi Party, Schutzstaffel, Hitler Youth, GestapoRead MoreThe Holocaust, By Robert Burns1121 Words  | 5 Pages Scottish poet, Robert Burns wrote, â€Å"Man’s inhumanity to man makes countless millions mourn.†When looking back on the history of our society, many incidences that reflect this thought clearly. One that stands out to me is the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the â€Å"purification†of Nazi Germany led by Adolf Hitler from 1939 to 1945. There were millions of people that were cycled through the concentration camps that the Nazis built. The millions of people that were killed are just a small portion of theRead MoreImpact of Nationalism1424 Words  | 6 Pagesself-determination and independence as its primary catalysts. Nationalism can take form in politicians, national leaders, propaganda and mass media. In the last two centuries, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the emergence of independent nations, the two most influential wars of al l time, World War I and World War II, and the rise of the worlds’ superpowers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union can all be partially attributed to strong sense of nationalism and played an important role in shapingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis : The Great Gatsby 966 Words  | 4 Pagesalways a tool used by the righteous, however. It is impossible to cover tremendous persuaders without mentioning a few of the infamous ones also. Persuasion doesn’t perceive good and evil and in the case of Adolf Hitler it was apparent. Born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, on April 20, 1889, Adolf Hitler was the fourth born child of Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl. As a child Hitler often times fought with his father as their opinions often times clashed with their personal ideals and views. When he was 11Read MoreNazi Germany : The Most Evil Man Essay1664 Words  | 7 PagesCommonly thought to be the most evil man in all of modern history, Adolf Hitler ruled the country of Germany for twelve years. Although he ended up having unlimited power in Nazi Germany, he started his life the way most young men did in the early nineteenth century, a soldier in the Great War. He served his time in the German Military, and when the war ended he returned back to Germany. After the Great War Germany surrendered, and they were forced to si gn the Treaty of Versaille. The treated blamedRead MoreThe Terror Of Wwii : Adolf Hitler1456 Words  | 6 PagesThe Terror of WWII: Adolf Hitler’s Rise to Power Adolf Hitler is no doubt the most infamous person that ever existed on this planet. He had an impact on the whole world during WWII and had changed every person’s view of war in the 1930s and 1940s. Hitler was the leader (or Fuhrer) of Germany and the head of the Nazi party during the Second World War ( Adolf had hated everyone that did not have the same â€Å"perfect†quality that the â€Å"Aryan race†had, which is basicallyRead MoreNotorious nazis Herman Goering A WW1 veteran, the reichsmarschall was head of Luftwaffe , and700 Words  | 3 Pagesanother wicked nazi SS , Karl Otto Koch , but outshone him in the depraved , inhumane, disregard for life which was her trademark . She used her sexual prowess by wandering the camp naked, with a whip, and if any man glanced at her she would have them shot on the on the spot. The most Infamous accusation against llse Koch was that she had selected inmates that had interesting tattoos to be killed, so that their skins could be made as shade lampshades for her home,( though, unfortunately , no evidenceRead More Norman Mailer Essay1617 Words  | 7 Pagesthe most notorious and perverted dictators since Attila the Hun. Norman Mailer’s writings seem to reflect his personal life in that he continually portrays the ongoing battle between God and the Devil. His life has been a continuous internal battle with good and evil, right and wrong, and darkness and light. Reading through the articles I chose to get my information from; I went through a gamut of emotion. Thinking that the novel was to be about the life of one of histories most infamous andRead MoreHeinrich Himmler And His Life Essay1480 Words  | 6 Pagesthe chief of the SS and the primary architect of the Holocaust, has not attracted the attentions of more biographers. For all that he had taken part in for the history of the Third Reich, he appears to lack the â€Å"infamous charisma†of Heydrich or Hitler, and because of this lack of â€Å"infamous charisma†he has been presented only rarely as a primary subject for a book about the holocaust and the people and things that made it able to take part. I believe through a few different articles and books that
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Getwell Clinic Breakeven Analysis free essay sample
GETWELL CLINICS BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS Analyzing Break-Even Points and Dealing with Practice Constraints INSTRUCTIONS: FILL IN THE YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED AREAS †¢ Explain the relevance of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) analysis as a tool that drives costs and affects management decisions in health care. Diagnosis Related Groups is a system that categorized patients into specific groups based on their medical diagnosis and other characteristics, such as age and types of surgery, if any. DRGs are currently used by Medicare and some other hospital payers as a basis for payment (Finkler, 2007). What this does is help an organization determine the resources that will be needed to treat each patient and what the costs will be. Using DRGs as a tool allows the health care organization to develop segments for each patient and give a breakdown of each group of patients. Doing this it allows managers to gain an understanding of what is needed after reviewing each segment, on whether or not a service is still needed or if it should be dropped. We will write a custom essay sample on Getwell Clinic Breakeven Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Calculate the breakeven points, in numbers of treatments, for each type of DRG, using the weighted average contribution margin approach. 1. Break-even points for the three DRGs can be calculated using the following steps: (a) Find the weighted average charge and variable cost: DRGPROPORITIONChargeVariable Cost M45%x$2,000 =$900 45%x$1,000 =$450 J30%x$3,000 =$900 30%x$1,500 =$450 P25%x$1,200 =$300 20%x$300 =$60 Weighted average charge$2,100 Weighted average variable cost$960 (b) The appropriate level of fixed costs is:$3,310,000 b) This is appropriate level of fixed costs because: This is the appropriate level of fixed costs because if one added the total fixed costs of M,J,P together and then added the Joint Fixed Cost to that, they would get $3,310,000. (c) Calculate the break even point in total treatments as:break-even point in total treatments as:n point in total treatments as: BE =850,000/1,000 =$800,000 /$1,500 =$100,000 /$900 = 111. 11 Total Treatments (d) Distribute the tota l treatments among the three DRGs as follows: DRGPROPORITIONTOTAL TREATMENTS M45%x111. 11 =50 J30%x111. 11 =33 P25%x111. 11 =28 2. DRGChargeVariable CostContribution MarginAvg. Length of Procedure (# of hours)Contribution Margin per Hr. M$2,000 $1,000 $1,000 3 hrs$333 J$3,000 $1,500 $1,500 4 hrs$375 P$1,200 $300 $900 1 hrs$900 †¢ Propose recommendations that answer the following questions: o Which DRG must be promoted in an advertising program if the office has excess capacity? Explain why. After examining the calculations above, the DRG that must be promoted in an advertising program if an office has excess capacity would be DRG J. This is the case because it has the highest contribution margin of $1500, and the organization is not osing money in any way because it has excess capacity. The DRG with the highest contribution must be promoted to maximize Getwells profits. o Which DRG must be promoted if the office is almost at maximum capacity in terms of available hours? Explain why. If the organization is lost to maximum capacity when the hours are concerned they would need to promote DRG P. DRG P must be p romoted because in terms of contribution margin per hour, DRG P has the highest CM per hour and must be promoted to achieve maximum profitability. What rationale may be used to support the use of DRGs as an approach to allocating costs? Fixed costs remain the same, and this means the more the contribution yields, the organization will realize they are gaining more profits. Therefore, this is the rationale that could be used to support the use of DRGs as an approach to allocating costs. Finkler, S. A. , Ward, D. M. , Baker, J. J. (2007). Essentials of cost accounting for health care organizations (3rd ed. ). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Robinson Crusoe Analytical Paper Essay Example
Robinson Crusoe Analytical Paper Paper The story takes place at the city of York. He was bon in this city and it is where he grew up. After their voyage they went to London, it is where he met new people and stayed there for years. After his second voyage the ship was attacked by pirates and he was brought in what seemed to be an inhabited place. After he run away from the pirates he saw a ship and thy decided to take him to Brazil and stayed there for two years. After this he decided to take another voyage. In his voyage their ship was bulged and slowly breaks to pieces. After that he didnt remember how he got in to that place, he was trapped there. When he saw men with cannibals and he save them same with the other prisoners. The captain of the ship gave him a reward and he requested to let him get back to England. Character: Robinson Crusoe A shipwrecked English man, he is brave man, faithful to god, he give mush importance to his friends and love ones. Xury The kid that he took with him escaping from Sallee River, he is hardworking it is shown when Crusoe save him he seemed to give a lot of help. We will write a custom essay sample on Robinson Crusoe Analytical Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Robinson Crusoe Analytical Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Robinson Crusoe Analytical Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Friday was the servant whom the captain gave him to help him in his work, he is also hardworking. Laddie his pet that he found at the ship after the storm, he was also brave, Summary: The novel of Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe (1660 1731). It is a story of a merchant who is born of a rich family who decided to join the crew of shipmen where little by little he learns the way of life, through the mischiefs and troubles he encountered. The novel is based on a true to life story of Alexander Selkirk. He is a sailor of the Cinque Ports galley. He was shipwrecked and lived alone the island for years. Robinson Kreutzner was born in the year 1632 in a certain city of York. He was the third son of his parents who have a very good name. He has two brothers one of which becomes a colonel to an English regiment who was killed in Dunkirk, and the other one whom he knows nothing. Soon being the last child his father pressed him earnestly to take the inheritance his father will give him including the profession Robinson Crusoe never loved. He takes his own steps and decided to be a sailor on September 1651 Crusoe (he was later called by this name because of the corruption of words in England) went board a ship bound for London. The earlier part of the journey he realized that his having sea sickness. After the violent storm one of his shipmates told him that what he encountered is nothing compared to the things he experience. Crusoe realized that he have a very long way to go to, to be able to be a successful sailor. After a weeks of agonizing journey theyve reach London. In London Robinson has no idea where to go, but with the help of the captain ha was able to get shelter, Robinson has no hesitation with the help offered by the man in exchange that he would go voyage with him. With the help of the man ha was able to go to another voyage, unfortunately the man wasnt lucky enough to live. But still he continued his journey and while on the voyage there ship was attacked by pirates. He was brought in what seemed to be an inhabited place there he was keep captive. One day he volunteered to fish for the pirates. The pirates allow but with the accompaniment of one of the pirates and a servant. While fishing he pushed the man in the water and take Xury (the boy) with him. Through their journey, Xury seemed to give a lot of help. One time the boy help him to kill the lion while on their way searching for fellow men Crusoes attention was called by the coming of a Portuguese ship. The men decide to take the both of them to Brazil. The captain of the ship was kind enough to give a job to Crusoe, but this are not the only things he gave Crusoe. He was given things that he might need in his everyday life, he was also given a servant (Negroe named Friday) which help him in his work as a planter. Crusoe decided to another journey but since he dont have a single money left the captain help him in exchange for the service of the young boy Xury. He believes that the boy would have a better life with captain. So Crusoe joined the journey on the 1st day of September 1659, the exact same day eight years ago when he decided to join the trip. Only this time the weather seemed to be on their sides. Then at last Crusoe view something from afar he saw a very violent tornado it has been how many days that the wind blew hard and the sea gets higher and higher. Then it happened the ship slowly break into pieces. He didnt remember anything after that only that the time when he walked to the shore lifting his hands feeling about joy and grief after that he fell in a deep sleep. When he woke up it was broad daylight and the storm have subsided. Then he look from places to places then he saw the ship was bulged in the rocks not far from where he was. He went and look for things that is important to him, he was shock that laddie the ship dog was still alive, after he slowly move some parts of the ship to form a raft strong enough to carry things from the ship to the shore. He searches the island for possible place to build a shelter, he saw something that made him jump, he have killed a what seemed to be a hawk and a rabbit. He went back again and formed a second raft. This time he smuggled all he needs. Just as he went down of the ship a storm blew, luckily he was fast enough to smuggle things which has importance to him. He have a perfect view of the sea and a protection against the animals or beast slowly he transfer all the things from the shore. Then he wrote his journal to record. Little by little his life has been improving he was able to breed sheeps, fowls and was able to plant corn, but then another hurricane blew but he was able to overcome it, he became very ill that he was not able to take care oh his sheeps. He is also starting to study the different weather and by time he was able to cope with it. He decided to travel across the island. After two years he now has thirty to forty goats his been happily living his life. Until one day, something lifts his spirit when he saw foot prints of a man. For years Robinson cant sleep well he kept on thinking about those foot prints. One day upon returning to the side of the island he saw a group of people whom he easily identified as cannibals. He saw men with the cannibals and he saves them the same with the other prisoners. After what Crusoe did to the captain he offered him gold and he requested the captain to let him get back to England. After they arrived he learned that he is now very rich and decided to stay there and get married. Soon he found a wife and Friday live with them. Analysis: The novel is great novel because it is written in a very simple manner, yet the authors way of narrating the story implies in the reality that Robinson have seen through out his journeys and voyages. There are only few Philosophies during the time of Defoe that is being shown in the novel Here are some of them Every thing has an amount. During his time the women pay the dowry to marry the man it is repay the parents of the man all of the things they have done for him. In the novel this was shown during the time when Xury was exchange just to be able to join anther journey. The children decide for him. The parents dont care about what his childs wants to be as long as it will do him good. The person owes a dept to someone who has done him something good and can be repay when the other needs the help of the other. Moral of the Novel Robinson Crusoe during Daniel Defoes Time In the novel Robinson Crusoe there are many moral that Defoe is trying to teach us. He believes that by using the novel as a form of teaching the readers will learn more. Here are some of the different moral that Defoes been pointing out to the readers. Defoe is trying to show us that as long as we are alive there is no reason we must give up on our life. He is trying to each us that as long as we are alive we have the chance to change our life from right to wrong. And that we should not lose hope on the things that god will give us those challenges if he knows we can do it. He showed this throughout the novel. Crusoe didnt give up even thought all things have left him he just believe in his abilities and e never lose hope and fought through out the end. He is trying to teach us that we must always have faith in god. Because no matter what happen he is the only one that would stay with us. He showed this when Crusoe first joined the voyage to London. The moment the storm blew so hard. He just prayed and prayed until the storm subsided. The other one is during his last voyage he prayed to god though his crew members died he still was able to lie because of his faith. We must follow our heart and believe in our self. We must not follow others of what we will become. This was shown when he decided to become a sailor and turn the offer being given by his father. We must learn from our mistakes. Sometimes mistakes are the best teachers. Thats why we have mistakes is to be able to know our weaknesses and try to improve it. It is shown in the novel he chooses to repeat what happened before to him. There is always room for improvement. We are only human thats why every time we commit wrong things we are given another chance to improve things. This happened when he realized all his capabilities. Money has no importance in this world. It is just evil that has a form. What is important is the love other people has been trying to give us and that we are alive. We must cherish friendship. No matter what happen our true friends will always be there for us. They are the only ones that understand our weaknesses and strengths. Crusoe give big importance to his friends. For example he always take care Xury. And Friday he tried to teach him about the things he know. Conclusion: This novel shows a brilliant lesson and gives philosophies of the 15th century. And I believe that this novel is a very good one because it can relate to the life story of Robinson to the story of a normal teenage boy. And it really attracts the readers because the story is based on a true to life story.
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