Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Adolf Hitler The Most Infamous Man - 1111 Words
Adolf Hitler could very possibly be the most infamous man in history; often associated with genocide, destruction, and unspeakable crime. Between the years 1939 and 1945, Adolf Hitler inflicted pain, suffering, and fear, physically and emotionally, into the people of Europe with his mass killings and inhumane treatment of races he considered inferior to the Aryan race. For these innocent people, this period of time must have been the most terrifying, mind-altering, and life-changing experience. How could any one man come up and apply such sick measures of harm to entire populations of people? How could a human stand to watch other humans suffer? What brought him to decide certain races were inferior to his own? Right from the beginning, Germans took a strong hatred towards the Jews. They blamed them for all the problems in Germany, including their defeat in World War I. With all the blame against them, Jews were heavily persecuted and many fled German territories. The persecution began small. They experienced boycotts or damage to their businesses. Some were openly assaulted. The first idea was to take away the rights of the Jews and therefore purge them from their places in civil service. The ‘Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service,’ as it was called, was meant to remove Jews from many different jobs, from high, state levels, to low, local levels. The Germans wanted to remove them from any positions of power. Germans were determined to push the JewsShow MoreRelatedHitler Adolf Hitler is possibly the most infamous name in history. Undoubtedly the first thing1100 Words  | 5 PagesHitler Adolf Hitler is possibly the most infamous name in history. Undoubtedly the first thing that appears in one’s head at the sound of this horrible name is a swastika, or his mustache. That extremely fashionable way to style one’s facial hair was so easily ruined by one man alone: Hitler. He was a truly evil man. 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I believe through a few different articles and books that
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